Ryan T. Jones

"Ryan Jones"
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Peipoch M, Jones R, Valett HM. (2015) Spatial Patterns in Biofilm Diversity across Hierarchical Levels of River-Floodplain Landscapes. Plos One. 10: e0144303
Jones RT, Borchert J, Eisen R, et al. (2015) Flea-Associated Bacterial Communities across an Environmental Transect in a Plague-Endemic Region of Uganda. Plos One. 10: e0141057
Du Z, Riveros-Iregui DA, Jones RT, et al. (2015) Landscape Position Influences Microbial Composition and Function via Redistribution of Soil Water across a Watershed. Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Jones RT. (2015) A Comprehensive Survey of Soil Rhizobiales Diversity Using High‐Throughput DNA Sequencing Biological Nitrogen Fixation. 769-776
Jones RT, Sanchez LG, Fierer N. (2013) A cross-taxon analysis of insect-associated bacterial diversity. Plos One. 8: e61218
Jones RT, Vetter SM, Montenieiri J, et al. (2013) Yersinia pestis infection and laboratory conditions alter flea-associated bacterial communities. The Isme Journal. 7: 224-8
Jones RT, Bernhardt SA, Martin AP, et al. (2012) Interactions among symbionts of Oropsylla spp. (Siphonoptera: Ceratophyllidae). Journal of Medical Entomology. 49: 492-6
Sackett LC, Cross TB, Jones RT, et al. (2012) Connectivity of prairie dog colonies in an altered landscape: Inferences from analysis of microsatellite DNA variation Conservation Genetics. 13: 407-418
Jones RT, Bressan A, Greenwell AM, et al. (2011) Bacterial communities of two parthenogenetic aphid species cocolonizing two host plants across the Hawaiian Islands. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 77: 8345-9
Brinkerhoff RJ, Martin AP, Jones RT, et al. (2011) Population genetic structure of the prairie dog flea and plague vector, Oropsylla hirsuta. Parasitology. 138: 71-9
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