Angela M. Baker, Ph.D.

2000 University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
"Angela Baker"


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Spencer C.H. Barrett grad student 2000 University of Toronto
 (The evolution and functional significance of stigma -height dimorphism in flowering plants.)
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Baker AM, Barrett SC, Thompson JD. (2019) Variation of pollen limitation in the early flowering Mediterranean geophyte Narcissus assoanus (Amaryllidaceae). Oecologia. 124: 529-535
Toon A, Mather PB, Baker AM, et al. (2007) Pleistocene refugia in an arid landscape: analysis of a widely distributed Australian passerine. Molecular Ecology. 16: 2525-41
Baker AM, Burd M, Climie KM. (2005) Flowering phenology and sexual allocation in single-mutation lineages of Arabidopsis thaliana. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution. 59: 970-8
Thompson JD, Barrett SC, Baker AM. (2003) Frequency-dependent variation in reproductive success in Narcissus: implications for the maintenance of stigma-height dimorphism. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 270: 949-53
Baker AM, Thompson JD, Barrett SC. (2000) Evolution and maintenance of stigma-height dimorphism in Narcissus. II. Fitness comparisons between style morphs. Heredity. 84: 514-24
Baker AM, Thompson JD, Barrett SC. (2000) Evolution and maintenance of stigma-height dimorphism in Narcissus. I. Floral variation and style-morph ratios. Heredity. 84: 502-13
Worley AC, Baker AM, Thompson JD, et al. (2000) Floral Display in Narcissus: Variation in Flower Size and Number at the Species, Population, and Individual Levels. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 161: 69-79
Barrett SCH, Jesson LK, Baker AM. (2000) The evolution and function of stylar polymorphisms in flowering plants Annals of Botany. 85: 253-265
Baker AM, Barrett SCH, Thompson JD. (2000) Variation of pollen limitation in the early flowering Mediterranean geophyte Narcissus assoanus (Amaryllidaceae) Oecologia. 124: 529-535
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