David E. Hiebeler, Ph.D.

2001 Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
"David Hiebeler"


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David W. Winkler grad student 2001 Cornell
 (Populations and the evolution of dispersal on spatially structured heterogeneous landscapes.)
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Hiebeler DE, Audibert A, Strubell E, et al. (2017) An Epidemiological Model of Internet Worms with Hierarchical Dispersal and Spatial Clustering of Hosts. Journal of Theoretical Biology
Bajcz AW, Hiebeler D, Drummond FA. (2017) Grid-Set-Match, an agent-based simulation model, predicts fruit set for the lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) agroecosystem Ecological Modelling. 361: 80-94
Liao J, Chen J, Ying Z, et al. (2016) An extended patch-dynamic framework for food chains in fragmented landscapes. Scientific Reports. 6: 33100
Hiebeler DE, Houle J, Drummond F, et al. (2016) Locally Dispersing Populations in Heterogeneous Dynamic Landscapes with Spatiotemporal Correlations. I. Block Disturbance. Journal of Theoretical Biology
Hiebeler DE, Hill JL. (2016) Locally Dispersing Populations in Heterogeneous Dynamic Landscapes with Spatiotemporal Correlations. II. Habitat Driven by Voter Dynamics. Journal of Theoretical Biology
McCabe JD, Olsen BJ, Hiebeler D. (2016) Wind patterns as a potential driver in the evolution and maintenance of a north american migratory suture zone. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution
Liao J, Ying Z, Hiebeler DE, et al. (2015) Species extinction thresholds in the face of spatially correlated periodic disturbance. Scientific Reports. 5: 15455
Hiebeler DE, Rier RM, Audibert J, et al. (2015) Variability in a Community-Structured SIS Epidemiological Model. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 77: 698-712
Liao J, Li Z, Hiebeler DE, et al. (2013) Species persistence in landscapes with spatial variation in habitat quality: a pair approximation model. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 335: 22-30
Hiebeler DE, Michaud IJ, Wasserman BA, et al. (2013) Habitat association in populations on landscapes with continuous-valued heterogeneous habitat quality. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 317: 47-54
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