Laura R. Nagy, Ph.D.

2002 Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, United States 
"Laura Nagy"


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Richard T. Holmes grad student 2002 Dartmouth
 (Causes and consequences of individual variation in reproductive output in a forest -dwelling neotropical migrant songbird.)
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Etterson MA, Ellis-Felege SN, Evers D, et al. (2011) Modeling fecundity in birds: Conceptual overview, current models, and considerations for future developments Ecological Modelling. 222: 2178-2190
Etterson MA, Nagy LR. (2008) Is mean squared error a consistent indicator of accuracy for spatially structured demographic models? Ecological Modelling. 211: 202-208
Nagy LR, Stanculescu D, Holmes RT. (2007) Mass loss by breeding female songbirds: Food supplementation supports energetic stress hypothesis in black-throated blue warblers Condor. 109: 304-311
Etterson MA, Nagy LR, Robinson TR. (2007) Partitioning risk among different causes of nest failure Auk. 124: 432-443
Nagy LR, Stanculescu D, Holmes RT. (2007) Mass Loss by Breeding Female Songbirds: Food Supplementation Supports Energetic Stress Hypothesis in Black-Throated Blue WarblersPérdida de Peso en Hembras de Aves Canoras: La Adición de Alimento Apoya la Hipótesis de Estrés Energético en Dendroica CaerulescensMass Loss by Breeding Female Songbirds The Condor. 109: 304-311
Nagy LR, Holmes RT. (2005) Food limits annual fecundity of a migratory songbird: An experimental study Ecology. 86: 675-681
Jones J, Doran PJ, Nagy LR, et al. (2005) Mayfield nest-survival estimates and seasonal fecundity: Reply to Farnsworth and Simons The Auk. 122: 1001
Nagy LR, Holmes RT. (2005) To double-brood or not? Individual variation in the reproductive effort in black-throated blue warblers (Dendroica caerulescens) Auk. 122: 902-914
Jones J, Doran PJ, Nagy LR, et al. (2005) Relationship between mayfield nest-survival estimates and seasonal fecundity: A cautionary note Auk. 122: 306-312
Farnsworth GL, Simons TR, Jones J, et al. (2005) Relationship between Mayfield nest-survival estimates and seasonal fecundity: A cautionary reply [1] (multiple letters) Auk. 122: 1001-1003
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