Alexandra E. Bely
Affiliations: | Behavior, Ecology, Evolution and Systematics | University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD |
Evolution and Development Biology, Ecology and EvolutionGoogle:
"Alexandra Bely"Parents
Sign in to add mentorGregory A. Wray | grad student | 1999 | SUNY Stony Brook |
David A. Weisblat | post-doc | (DevTree) |
Sign in to add traineeJames M. Sikes | grad student | 2009 | University of Maryland |
Eduardo E. Zattara | grad student | 2006-2012 | University of Maryland |
Alexander J. Novarro | grad student | 2015-2018 | University of Maryland |
Busra D. Ozpolat | post-doc | University of Maryland (Cell Biology Tree) |
BETA: Related publications
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Bely AE. (2022) Journey beyond the embryo: The beauty of Pristina and naidine annelids for studying regeneration and agametic reproduction. Current Topics in Developmental Biology. 147: 469-495 |
Zattara EE, Fernández-Álvarez FA, Hiebert TC, et al. (2019) A phylum-wide survey reveals multiple independent gains of head regeneration in Nemertea. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 286: 20182524 |
Özpolat BD, Sloane ES, Zattara EE, et al. (2016) Plasticity and regeneration of gonads in the annelid Pristina leidyi. Evodevo. 7: 22 |
Lewis Ames C, Ryan JF, Bely AE, et al. (2016) A new transcriptome and transcriptome profiling of adult and larval tissue in the box jellyfish Alatina alata: an emerging model for studying venom, vision and sex. Bmc Genomics. 17: 650 |
Özpolat BD, Bely AE. (2016) Developmental and molecular biology of annelid regeneration: a comparative review of recent studies. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development. 40: 144-153 |
Zattara EE, Turlington KW, Bely AE. (2016) Long-term time-lapse live imaging reveals extensive cell migration during annelid regeneration. Bmc Developmental Biology. 16: 6 |
Goodheart JA, Bely AE. (2016) Sequestration of nematocysts by divergent cnidarian predators: mechanism, function, and evolution Invertebrate Biology. 136: 75-91 |
Zattara EE, Bely AE. (2016) Phylogenetic distribution of regeneration and asexual reproduction in Annelida: regeneration is ancestral and fission evolves in regenerative clades Invertebrate Biology. 135: 400-414 |
Özpolat BD, Bely AE. (2015) Gonad establishment during asexual reproduction in the annelid Pristina leidyi. Developmental Biology. 405: 123-36 |
Zattara EE, Bely AE. (2015) Fine taxonomic sampling of nervous systems within Naididae (Annelida: Clitellata) reveals evolutionary lability and revised homologies of annelid neural components. Frontiers in Zoology. 12: 8 |