Wiline M. Pangle, Ph.D.

2008 Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
Ecology Biology, Zoology Biology
"Wiline Pangle"


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Kay E. Holekamp grad student 2008 Michigan State
 (Threat-sensitive behavior and its ontogenetic development in top mammalian carnivores.)
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Pangle WM, Holekamp KE. (2010) Lethal and nonlethal anthropogenic effects on spotted hyenas in the masai mara national reserve Journal of Mammalogy. 91: 154-164
Pangle WM, Holekamp KE. (2010) Age-related variation in threat-sensitive behavior exhibited by spotted hyenas: Observational and experimental approaches Behaviour. 147: 1009-1033
Pangle WM, Holekamp KE. (2010) Functions of vigilance behaviour in a social carnivore, the spotted hyaena, Crocuta crocuta Animal Behaviour. 80: 257-267
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