Russell Dinnage
Affiliations: | University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada |
Community Ecology, Evolutionary EcologyGoogle:
"Russell Dinnage"Cross-listing: Marine Ecology Tree
Sign in to add mentorPeter A. Abrams | grad student | 2007-2013 | University of Toronto (Marine Ecology Tree) | |
(The Role of Consumer Interactions in the Consequences and Causes of Community Phylogenetic Structure.) | ||||
Raphael Didham | post-doc | 2012- | University of Western Australia | |
Marcel Cardillo | post-doc | 2015-2018 | ANU |
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Cardillo M, Skeels A, Dinnage R. (2023) Priorities for conserving the world's terrestrial mammals based on over-the-horizon extinction risk. Current Biology : Cb. 33: 1381-1388.e6 |
Bromham L, Dinnage R, Skirgård H, et al. (2022) Publisher Correction: Global predictors of language endangerment and the future of linguistic diversity. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 6: 231 |
Bromham L, Dinnage R, Skirgård H, et al. (2021) Global predictors of language endangerment and the future of linguistic diversity. Nature Ecology & Evolution |
Skeels A, Dinnage R, Medina I, et al. (2021) Ecological interactions shape the evolution of flower color in communities across a temperate biodiversity hotspot. Evolution Letters. 5: 277-289 |
Dinnage R, Skeels A, Cardillo M. (2020) Spatiophylogenetic modelling of extinction risk reveals evolutionary distinctiveness and brief flowering period as threats in a hotspot plant genus. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 287: 20192817 |
Li D, Dinnage R, Nell LA, et al. (2020) phyr: An r package for phylogenetic species‐distribution modelling in ecological communities Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 11: 1455-1463 |
Cardillo M, Dinnage R, McAlister W. (2018) The relationship between environmental niche breadth and geographic range size across plant species Journal of Biogeography. 46: 97-109 |
Warren DL, Beaumont LJ, Dinnage R, et al. (2018) New methods for measuring ENM breadth and overlap in environmental space Ecography. 42: 444-446 |
Dinnage R, Simonsen AK, Barrett LG, et al. (2018) Larger plants promote a greater diversity of symbiotic nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria associated with an Australian endemic legume Journal of Ecology. 107: 977-991 |
Cadotte MW, Livingstone SW, Yasui SE, et al. (2017) Explaining ecosystem multifunction with evolutionary models. Ecology |