Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra, PhD

Plant Sciences University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
plant population genetics, crop evolution
"Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra"
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O'Brien AM, Sawers RJH, Gasca-Pineda J, et al. (2024) Teosinte populations exhibit weak local adaptation to their rhizosphere biota despite strong effects of biota source on teosinte fitness and traits. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution
Yang N, Wang Y, Liu X, et al. (2023) Two teosintes made modern maize. Science (New York, N.Y.). 382: eadg8940
Sun S, Wang B, Li C, et al. (2023) Unraveling prevalence and effects of deleterious mutations in maize elite lines across decades of modern breeding. Molecular Biology and Evolution
Flint-Garcia S, Feldmann MJ, Dempewolf H, et al. (2023) Diamonds in the not-so-rough: Wild relative diversity hidden in crop genomes. Plos Biology. 21: e3002235
Phillips AR, Seetharam AS, Albert PS, et al. (2023) A happy accident: a novel turfgrass reference genome. G3 (Bethesda, Md.)
Hu H, Crow T, Nojoomi S, et al. (2022) Allele-specific expression reveals multiple paths to highland adaptation in maize. Molecular Biology and Evolution
Chen L, Luo J, Jin M, et al. (2022) Genome sequencing reveals evidence of adaptive variation in the genus Zea. Nature Genetics
Guerra-García A, Rojas-Barrera IC, Ross-Ibarra J, et al. (2022) The genomic signature of wild-to-crop introgression during the domestication of scarlet runner bean ( L.). Evolution Letters. 6: 295-307
Li C, Guan H, Jing X, et al. (2022) Genomic insights into historical improvement of heterotic groups during modern hybrid maize breeding. Nature Plants. 8: 750-763
Barnes AC, Rodríguez-Zapata F, Juárez-Núñez KA, et al. (2022) An adaptive teosinte introgression modulates phosphatidylcholine levels and is associated with maize flowering time. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2100036119
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