Michael C. Whitlock, Ph.D.

Zoology University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada 
"Michael Whitlock"


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Remi Matthey-Doret grad student UBC
Sam Yeaman grad student 2004-2009 UBC
Kimberly J. Gilbert grad student 2011-2016 UBC
Nathaniel Sharp post-doc UBC
J. David Van Dyken post-doc 2011- UBC
Denis Bourguet post-doc 1996-1998 UBC
Frederic Guillaume post-doc 2005-2009 UBC
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Hasan A, Whitlock MC. (2024) FST and genetic diversity in an island model with background selection. Plos Genetics. 20: e1011225
Whiting JR, Booker TR, Rougeux C, et al. (2024) The genetic architecture of repeated local adaptation to climate in distantly related plants. Nature Ecology & Evolution
Lind BM, Candido-Ribeiro R, Singh P, et al. (2024) How useful are genomic data for predicting maladaptation to future climate? Global Change Biology. 30: e17227
do O I, Whitlock MC. (2023) The evolution of genetic covariance and modularity as a result of multigenerational environmental fluctuation. Evolution Letters. 7: 457-466
Booker TR, Yeaman S, Whiting JR, et al. (2023) The WZA: A window-based method for characterizing genotype-environment association. Molecular Ecology Resources
Booker TR, Yeaman S, Whitlock MC. (2022) Using genome scans to identify genes used repeatedly for adaptation. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution
Grummer JA, Booker TR, Matthey-Doret R, et al. (2022) The immediate costs and long-term benefits of assisted gene flow in large populations. Conservation Biology : the Journal of the Society For Conservation Biology. e13911
Grummer JA, Whitlock MC, Schulte PM, et al. (2021) Growth genes are implicated in the evolutionary divergence of sympatric piscivorous and insectivorous rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Bmc Ecology and Evolution. 21: 63
Booker TR, Yeaman S, Whitlock MC. (2021) Global adaptation complicates the interpretation of genome scans for local adaptation. Evolution Letters. 5: 4-15
Byers KA, Booker TR, Combs M, et al. (2021) Using genetic relatedness to understand heterogeneous distributions of urban rat-associated pathogens. Evolutionary Applications. 14: 198-209
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