Dan L. Warren, Ph.D.

Section of Integrative Biology Australian National University, Acton, Australian Capital Territory, Australia 
"Dan Warren"

Ph.D. with Peter Wainwright and Michael Turelli


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Pierre Neuenschwander research assistant 1997-1998 Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
Douglas Wayne Mock research assistant 1998-2000 University of Oklahoma
David Swofford research assistant 2001-2003 Florida State
Michael Turelli grad student 2003-2009 UC Davis
 (Methodological advances in the construction and application of environmental niche models.)
Peter C. Wainwright grad student 2003-2009 UC Davis
 (Methodological advances in the construction and application of environmental niche models.)
Daniel I. Bolnick post-doc 2009-2011 UT Austin
Camille Parmesan post-doc 2011-2012 UT Austin
Lindell Bromham post-doc 2012-2014 ANU
Marcel Cardillo post-doc 2012-2014 ANU
BETA: Related publications


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Riaz M, Warren D, Wittwer C, et al. (2023) Using eDNA to understand predator-prey interactions influenced by invasive species. Oecologia
Warren DL, Eytan RI, Dornburg A, et al. (2021) Reevaluating claims of ecological speciation in . Ecology and Evolution. 11: 11449-11456
Saeedi H, Costello MJ, Warren D, et al. (2019) Latitudinal and bathymetrical species richness patterns in the NW Pacific and adjacent Arctic Ocean. Scientific Reports. 9: 9303
Warren DL, Matzke NJ, Iglesias TL. (2019) Evaluating presence‐only species distribution models with discrimination accuracy is uninformative for many applications Journal of Biogeography. 47: 167-180
Hertel AG, Leclerc M, Warren D, et al. (2019) Don't poke the bear: using tracking data to quantify behavioural syndromes in elusive wildlife Animal Behaviour. 147: 91-104
Smith AB, Godsoe W, Rodríguez-Sánchez F, et al. (2018) Niche Estimation Above and Below the Species Level. Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Iglesias TL, Dornburg A, Warren DL, et al. (2018) Eyes Wide Shut: The impact of dim-light vision on neural investment in marine teleosts. Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Warren DL, Beaumont LJ, Dinnage R, et al. (2018) New methods for measuring ENM breadth and overlap in environmental space Ecography. 42: 444-446
d'Errico F, Banks WE, Warren DL, et al. (2017) Identifying early modern human ecological niche expansions and associated cultural dynamics in the South African Middle Stone Age. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Warren DL, Geneva AJ, Lanfear R. (2017) RWTY (R We There Yet): An R package for examining convergence of Bayesian phylogenetic analyses. Molecular Biology and Evolution
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