Alden Holmes Miller

University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
ornithology, zoology
"Alden Miller"

Alden Holmes Miller (February 4, 1906 – October 9, 1965) was an American ornithologist and director of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at the University of California, Berkeley for 25 years. He published over 250 papers on the biology, distribution, and taxonomy of birds, and served as president of the American Ornithologists' Union (1953-1955) and the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1964-1965), and as editor of The Condor from 1939 until his death. He was a member of the National Academy of Sciences.


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Loye (Padre) Holmes Miller research assistant
 (father and early mentor)
Joseph Grinnell grad student 1930 UC Berkeley


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Theodore H. Eaton, Jr. grad student 1934 UC Berkeley
William Louis Engels grad student 1937 UC Berkeley
Frank Richardson grad student 1939 UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
Frederick H. Test grad student 1940 UC Berkeley
George A. Bartholomew grad student 1941 UC Berkeley
Harvey I Fisher grad student 1942 UC Berkeley
Charles A. Reed grad student 1943 UC Berkeley
Albert Wolfson grad student 1943 UC Berkeley
A. Starker Leopold grad student 1944 UC Berkeley
Joe T. Marshall, Jr. grad student 1948 UC Berkeley
Charles G. Sibley grad student 1949 UC Berkeley
Robert Winthrop Storer grad student 1949 UC Berkeley
John Davis grad student 1950 UC Berkeley
Carl B. Koford grad student 1950 UC Berkeley
Thomas Raymond Howell grad student 1951 UC Berkeley
Frank A. Pitelka grad student 1951 UC Berkeley (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
George William Salt grad student 1951 UC Berkeley
Keith L. Dixon grad student 1952 UC Berkeley
Wilbur Mayhew grad student 1953 UC Berkeley
Thomas L. Rodgers grad student 1953 UC Berkeley
Darl E. Bowers grad student 1954 UC Berkeley
David W. Johnston grad student 1954 UC Berkeley
Richard Fourness Johnston grad student 1955 UC Berkeley
Robert A. Norris grad student 1955 UC Berkeley
Robert Keith Selander grad student 1956 UC Berkeley
Robert Irvin Bowman grad student 1957 UC Berkeley
George Frederick Fisler grad student 1961 UC Berkeley
Richard Charles Banks grad student 1962 UC Berkeley
Ned Keith Johnson grad student 1962 UC Berkeley
Robert Berkeley Payne grad student 1965 UC Berkeley
Edwin O Willis grad student 1965 UC Berkeley
Larry Louis Wolf grad student 1966 UC Berkeley
Carl Elliott Bock grad student 1965-1968 UC Berkeley
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Test FH, Grinnell J, Miller AH. (1946) The Distribution of the Birds of California. American Midland Naturalist. 35: 543
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