Andrew P. Hendry

McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
evolutionary ecology
"Andrew Hendry"


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Thomas P. Quinn grad student 1992-1998 University of Washington
Eric B. Taylor post-doc 1998-2000 UBC
Benjamin Letcher post-doc 2000-2001 U Mass Amherst
Jeffrey Edward Podos post-doc 2001-2002 U Mass Amherst


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Martin M. Turcotte research assistant 2004-2005 McGill
Swanne P. Gordon grad student McGill
Benjamin C. Haller grad student 2009- McGill
Xavier Thibert-Plante grad student 2005-2010 McGill
Grant E. Haines grad student 2017-2022 McGill (Neurotree)
BETA: Related publications


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Hendry AP, Barrett RDH, Bell AM, et al. (2024) Designing eco-evolutionary experiments for restoration projects: Opportunities and constraints revealed during stickleback introductions. Ecology and Evolution. 14: e11503
De Meester L, Vázquez-Domínguez E, Kassen R, et al. (2024) A link between evolution and society fostering the UN sustainable development goals. Evolutionary Applications. 17: e13728
Dong X, Stokes MF, Hendry AP, et al. (2024) Geo-evolutionary feedbacks: integrating rapid evolution and landscape change. Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Haines GE, Moisan L, Derry AM, et al. (2023) Corrigendum. The American Naturalist. 203: 147-159
Sanderson S, Bolnick DI, Kinnison MT, et al. (2023) Contemporary changes in phenotypic variation, and the potential consequences for eco-evolutionary dynamics. Ecology Letters. S127-S139
Beausoleil MO, Lorena Carrión-Avilés P, Podos J, et al. (2023) The fitness landscape of a community of Darwin's finches. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution
Sanderson S, Astorg L, Haines GE, et al. (2023) Freshwater fishes maintain multi-trait phenotypic stability across an environmental gradient in aqueous calcium. Journal of Fish Biology
Reyes-Corral WD, Carvajal-Endara S, Hetherington-Rauth M, et al. (2023) Phenotypic divergence of traits that mediate antagonistic and mutualistic interactions between island and continental populations of the tropical plant, (Zygophyllaceae). Ecology and Evolution. 13: e9766
Haines GE, Moisan L, Derry AM, et al. (2022) Dimensionality and Modularity of Adaptive Variation: Divergence in Threespine Stickleback from Diverse Environments. The American Naturalist. 201: 175-199
Carrión PL, Raeymaekers JAM, De León LF, et al. (2022) The terroir of the finch: How spatial and temporal variation shapes phenotypic traits in DARWIN'S finches. Ecology and Evolution. 12: e9399
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