Jennifer H. Doherty, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2009 | University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States |
Ecology BiologyGoogle:
"Jennifer Doherty"Parents
Sign in to add mentorBrenda B. Casper | grad student | 2009 | Penn | |
(Niche partitioning among arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and consequences for host plant performance.) |
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Kolpikova EP, Chen DC, Doherty JH. (2019) Does the Format of Preclass Reading Quizzes Matter? An Evaluation of Traditional and Gamified, Adaptive Preclass Reading Quizzes. Cbe Life Sciences Education. 18: ar52 |
Scott EE, Wenderoth MP, Doherty JH. (2019) Learning Progressions: An Empirically Grounded, Learner-Centered Framework to Guide Biology Instruction. Cbe Life Sciences Education. 18: es5 |
Moorleghen DM, Oli N, Crowe AJ, et al. (2019) Impact of automated response systems on in-class cell phone use. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education : a Bimonthly Publication of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
Cerchiara JA, Kim KJ, Meir E, et al. (2019) A new assessment to monitor student performance in introductory neurophysiology: Electrochemical Gradients Assessment Device. Advances in Physiology Education. 43: 211-220 |
Alred AR, Doherty JH, Hartley LM, et al. (2019) Exploring student ideas about biological variation International Journal of Science Education. 41: 1682-1700 |
Wyner Y, Doherty JH. (2019) Seeing the trees: what urban middle school students notice about the street trees that surround them Journal of Biological Education. 1-23 |
Prevost L, Sorensen AE, Doherty JH, et al. (2019) 4DEE—What's Next? Designing Instruction and Assessing Student Learning Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 100 |
Jackson MA, Tran A, Wenderoth MP, et al. (2018) Peer vs. Self-Grading of Practice Exams: Which Is Better? Cbe Life Sciences Education. 17: es44 |
Doherty JH, Wenderoth MP. (2017) Implementing an Expressive Writing Intervention for Test Anxiety in a Large College Course. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. 18 |
Wyner Y, Doherty JH. (2017) Developing a learning progression for three-dimensional learning of the patterns of evolution Science Education. 101: 787-817 |