Dorothy H. Paul

University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 
Neuroethology, crustacean neurobiology, locomotory behavior, muscles, cns, propioceptors, comparative studies into cns evolution, sand crab research (Emerita analoga)
"Dorothy Paul"

Dr. Paul was born in Philadelphia, PA, USA. She obtained her degree from Stanford University in 1970.

Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Donald Kennedy grad student 1970 University of Victoria (Neurotree)
Brian Mulloney post-doc 1979-1981 UC Davis (Neurotree)


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Andres G. Vidal-Gadea research assistant 1998-2003 University of Victoria (Neurotree)
Linda J. Wilson grad student University of Victoria (Neurotree)
Zen Faulkes grad student 1989-1996 University of Victoria (Neurotree)
Brian L. Antonsen grad student 1999 Georgia State (Neurotree)
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Bock NL, Paul DH. (2009) Habitat-related divergence among tailfan sensory systems in reptantian Decapod crustaceans. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 73: 188-205
Paul DH. (2004) Projection and local interneurons in the sixth abdominal ganglion of the sand crab Emerita analoga (Hippidae). The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 480: 310-29
McDonald CG, Paul DH, Hawryshyn CW. (2004) Visual sensation of an ethological stimulus, the agonistic display of Betta splendens, revealed using multi-unit recordings from optic tectum Environmental Biology of Fishes. 70: 285-291
Antonsen BL, Paul DH. (2001) Serotonergic and octopaminergic systems in the squat lobster Munida quadrispina (Anomura, Galatheidae). The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 439: 450-68
Paul DH, Bruner J. (1999) Receptor potentials and electrical properties of nonspiking stretch-receptive neurons in the sand crab Emerita analoga (Anomura, Hippidae). Journal of Neurophysiology. 81: 2493-500
Faulkes Z, Paul DH. (1998) Digging in sand crabs: coordination of joints in individual legs. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 201: 2139-49
Faulkes Z, Paul DH. (1997) A map of distal leg motor neurons in the thoracic ganglia of four decapod crustacean species. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 49: 162-78
Antonsen BL, Paul DH. (1997) Serotonin and octopamine elicit stereotypical agonistic behaviors in the squat lobster Munida quadrispina (Anomura, Galatheidae) Journal of Comparative Physiology - a Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 181: 501-510
Faulkes Z, Paul DH. (1997) Coordination between the legs and tail during digging and swimming in sand crabs Journal of Comparative Physiology - a Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 180: 161-169
Faulkes Z, Paul DH. (1997) Digging in sand crabs (Decapoda, Anomura, Hippoidea): Interleg coordination Journal of Experimental Biology. 200: 793-805
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