Richard H. Rosenblatt, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Marine Biology | Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, California |
"Richard Rosenblatt"Bio:
Ph.D. UCLA (Advisor was Dr. Boyd Walker)
Worked under Dr. Carl Hubbs at Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Cross-listing: Marine Ecology Tree
Sign in to add mentorCarl Leavitt Hubbs | research assistant | Scripps Oceanography (Marine Ecology Tree) | ||
Boyd Wallace Walker | grad student | 1959 | UCLA | |
Sign in to add traineeGeorge Spahr Losey, Jr. | research assistant | 1967 | Scripps Oceanography (Marine Ecology Tree) |
W. Leo Smith | research assistant | 1995-1997 | Scripps Oceanography |
Ronald A. Fritzsche | grad student | Cal Poly Humboldt | |
David Johnson | grad student | Scripps Oceanography | |
John E. McCosker | grad student | 1973 | Scripps Oceanography (Marine Ecology Tree) |
Robert R. Warner | grad student | 1969-1973 | UCSD (Marine Ecology Tree) |
John E. Graves | grad student | 1981 | Scripps Oceanography |
Peter A. Klimley | grad student | 1976-1982 | (Marine Ecology Tree) |
M. James Allen | grad student | 1978-1982 | Scripps Institute (Marine Ecology Tree) |
Raymond R. Wilson | grad student | 1984 | Scripps Oceanography (Marine Ecology Tree) |
Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara | grad student | 1980-1985 | Scripps Oceanography (Marine Mammal Science) |
Robin Waples | grad student | 1986 | Scripps Oceanography |
Carol A. Stepien | post-doc | 1986-1992 | Scripps Oceanography |
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Rosenblatt RH, Miller EC, Hastings PA. (2013) Three new species of triplefin blennies of the genus Enneanectes (Teleostei, Tripterygiidae) from the tropical eastern Pacific with a key to Pacific species of Enneanectes. Zootaxa. 3636: 361-73 |
Hsieh CH, Reiss C, Watson W, et al. (2005) A comparison of long-term trends and variability in populations of larvae of exploited and unexploited fishes in the Southern California region: A community approach Progress in Oceanography. 67: 160-185 |
Rosenblatt RH, Smith WL. (2004) Icelinus limbaughi: A new species of sculpin (Teleostei: Cottidae) from southern California Copeia. 556-561 |
Hastings PA, Rosenblatt RH. (2003) Oceanographic collections at scripps Oceanography. 16: 86-87 |
Stepien CA, Rosenblatt RH, Bargmeyer BA. (2001) Phylogeography of the spotted sand bass, Paralabrax maculatofasciatus: divergence of Gulf of California and Pacific Coast populations. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution. 55: 1852-62 |
Rocha-Olivares A, Rosenblatt RH, Vetter RD. (1999) Cryptic species of rockfishes (Sebastes: Scorpaenidae) in the southern hemisphere inferred from mitochondrial lineages. The Journal of Heredity. 90: 404-11 |
Rocha-Olivares A, Rosenblatt RH, Vetter RD. (1999) Molecular evolution, systematics, and zoogeography of the rockfish subgenus Sebastomus (Sebastes, Scorpaenidae) based on mitochondrial cytochrome b and control region sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 11: 441-58 |
Stepien CA, Rosenblatt RH. (1996) Genetic divergence in antitropical pelagic marine fishes (Trachurus, Merluccius, and Scomber) between North and South America Copeia. 586-598 |
Rosenblatt RH, Humann P, DeLoach N. (1994) Reef Fish Identification Galápagos@@@Reef Fish Identification Galapagos Copeia. 1994: 833 |
Haygood MG, Edwards DB, Mowlds G, et al. (1994) Bioluminescence of myctophid and stomiiform fishes is not due to bacterial luciferase Journal of Experimental Zoology. 270: 225-231 |