Sumit Dhole, Ph.D.

2014 Biology University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 
Molecular Biology, Evolution and Development Biology
"Sumit Dhole"


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Maria R. Servedio grad student 2014 UNC Chapel Hill
 (Evolution of reproductive traits under pre-and post-mating sexual selection.)
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Dhole S, Lloyd AL, Gould F. (2020) Gene Drive Dynamics in Natural Populations: The Importance of Density Dependence, Space, and Sex Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 51
Dhole S, Lloyd AL, Gould F. (2019) Tethered homing gene drives: A new design for spatially restricted population replacement and suppression. Evolutionary Applications. 12: 1688-1702
Dhole S, Stern CA, Servedio MR. (2018) Direct detection of male quality can facilitate the evolution of female choosiness and indicators of good genes: evolution across a continuum of indicator mechanisms. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution
Servedio MR, Brandvain Y, Dhole S, et al. (2014) Not just a theory--the utility of mathematical models in evolutionary biology. Plos Biology. 12: e1002017
Dhole S, Servedio MR. (2014) Sperm competition and the evolution of seminal fluid composition. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution. 68: 3008-19
Dhole S, Pfennig KS. (2014) Age-dependent male mating investment in Drosophila pseudoobscura. Plos One. 9: e88700
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