Norma Lee Fowler

University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
"Norma Fowler"


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Janis Antonovics grad student 1978 Duke
John Lander Harper post-doc 1978-1979 (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)


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Diane L. Marshall grad student 1979-1982 University of Texas
Richard Elton Miller grad student 1992 UT Austin
F. Leland Russell grad student 1992-1999 UT Austin
Bethany L. Gabbard grad student 2003 UT Austin
Wendy S. Gordon grad student 2003 UT Austin
Margaret E. Batchelor grad student 2004 UT Austin
Michael S. Brumbaugh grad student 2004 UT Austin
Martha M. Maas grad student 2005 UT Austin
Karen M Alofs grad student 2014-2010 UT Austin
Emily M. Booth grad student 2011-2016 UT Austin
BETA: Related publications


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Booth EM, Creacy G, Fowler NL. (2019) Burn Severity and Post-Fire Erosion Control Affect Post-Fire Woody Plant Recruitment Natural Areas Journal. 39: 189
Fowler NL, Levin DA. (2016) Critical factors in the establishment of allopolyploids. American Journal of Botany
Alofs KM, González AV, Fowler NL. (2014) Local native plant diversity responds to habitat loss and fragmentation over different time spans and spatial scales Plant Ecology
Alofs KM, Fowler NL. (2013) Loss of native herbaceous species due to woody plant encroachment facilitates the establishment of an invasive grass Ecology. 94: 751-760
Rasser MK, Fowler NL, Dunton KH. (2013) Elevation and plant community distribution in a microtidal salt marsh of the western Gulf of Mexico Wetlands. 33: 575-583
Fowler NL, Center A, Ramsey EA. (2012) Streptanthus bracteatus (Brassicaceae), a rare annual woodland forb, thrives in less cover: Evidence of a vanished habitat? Plant Ecology. 213: 1511-1523
Fowler NL, Best CF, Price DM, et al. (2011) Ecological requirements of the Zapata bladderpod Physaria thamnophila, an endangered Tamaulipan thornscrub plant Southwestern Naturalist. 56: 341-352
Alofs KM, Fowler NL. (2010) Habitat fragmentation caused by woody plant encroachment inhibits the spread of an invasive grass Journal of Applied Ecology. 47: 338-347
Gabbard BL, Fowler NL. (2007) Wide ecological amplitude of a diversity-reducing invasive grass Biological Invasions. 9: 149-160
Gordon WS, Famiglietti JS, Fowler NL, et al. (2004) Validation of simulated runoff from six terrestrial ecosystem models: Results from VEMAP Ecological Applications. 14: 527-545
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