Tan Xu, Ph.D.

2005 Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, United States 
Finance, Accounting Business Administration, Banking Business Administration
"Tan Xu"


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Mohammed Najand grad student 2005 Old Dominion University
 (Valuation effects of earnings restatements due to accounting irregularities.)
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You S, Chen H, Miao M, et al. (2023) Prognostic significance of plasma SDF-1 in acute ischemic stroke patients with diabetes mellitus: the CATIS trial. Cardiovascular Diabetology. 22: 274
Liu L, Xie X, Pan Y, et al. (2023) Early versus delayed antihypertensive treatment in patients with acute ischaemic stroke: multicentre, open label, randomised, controlled trial. Bmj (Clinical Research Ed.). 383: e076448
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