Brian R. Moore, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | University of California, Davis | University of California, Davis, Davis, CA |
"Brian Moore"Parents
Sign in to add mentorMichael Donoghue | grad student | 2001-2007 | Yale | |
(Inferring differential rates of diversification from phylogenies.) | ||||
John P. Huelsenbeck | post-doc | UC Berkeley |
Sign in to add traineeAndrew Magee | research assistant | 2015-2016 | UC Davis |
Michael R. May | grad student | UC Davis | |
Jiansi Gao | grad student | 2014-2022 | UC Davis |
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Gao J, May MR, Rannala B, et al. (2023) Model misspecification misleads inference of the spatial dynamics of disease outbreaks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2213913120 |
Gao J, May MR, Rannala B, et al. (2023) PrioriTree: a utility for improving phylodynamic analyses in BEAST. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 39 |
Gao J, May MR, Rannala B, et al. (2022) New Phylogenetic Models Incorporating Interval-Specific Dispersal Dynamics Improve Inference of Disease Spread. Molecular Biology and Evolution |
Thompson A, May MR, Moore BR, et al. (2020) A hierarchical Bayesian mixture model for inferring the expression state of genes in transcriptomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
May MR, Moore BR. (2019) A Bayesian Approach for Inferring the Impact of a Discrete Character on Rates of Continuous-Character Evolution in the Presence of Background-Rate Variation. Systematic Biology |
Turelli M, Cooper BS, Richardson KM, et al. (2018) Rapid Global Spread of wRi-like Wolbachia across Multiple Drosophila. Current Biology : Cb |
Moore BR, Höhna S, May MR, et al. (2016) Critically evaluating the theory and performance of Bayesian analysis of macroevolutionary mixtures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Höhna S, Landis MJ, Heath TA, et al. (2016) RevBayes: Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference Using Graphical Models and an Interactive Model-Specification Language. Systematic Biology |
May MR, Moore BR. (2016) How Well Can We Detect Lineage-Specific Diversification-Rate Shifts? A Simulation Study of Sequential AIC Methods. Systematic Biology |
May MR, Höhna S, Moore BR. (2016) A Bayesian approach for detecting the impact of mass-extinction events on molecular phylogenies when rates of lineage diversification may vary Methods in Ecology and Evolution |