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Crawford (Buzz) S. Holling, Ph.D

Zoology University of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, United States 
Theoretical Ecology
"Crawford OR Buzz" "Holling"


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Peter A. Abrams grad student UBC (Marine Ecology Tree)
Craig R. Allen grad student UF Gainesville (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
Laurence M. Dill grad student UBC
Derek A. Roff grad student UBC
William C. Clark grad student 1975-1979 UBC (PoliSci Tree)
Lance H Gunderson grad student 1988-1992 UF Gainesville
Garry D Peterson grad student 1992-1999 Stockholm University
Eric L. Charnov post-doc 1973
BETA: Related publications


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Allen CR, Angeler DG, Moulton MP, et al. (2015) The importance of scaling for detecting community patterns: Success and failure in assemblages of introduced species Diversity. 7: 229-241
Green OO, Garmestani AS, Allen CR, et al. (2015) Barriers and bridges to the integration of social-ecological resilience and law Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 13: 332-337
Allen CR, Angeler DG, Garmestani AS, et al. (2014) Panarchy: Theory and Application Ecosystems. 17: 578-589
Moore SA, Wallington TJ, Hobbs RJ, et al. (2009) Diversity in current ecological thinking: implications for environmental management. Environmental Management. 43: 17-27
Folke C, Carpenter S, Walker B, et al. (2004) Regime shifts, resilience, and biodiversity in ecosystem management Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 35: 557-581
Folke C, Carpenter S, Elmqvist T, et al. (2002) Resilience and sustainable development: building adaptive capacity in a world of transformations. Ambio. 31: 437-40
Allen CR, Forys EA, Holling CS. (1999) Body mass patterns predict invasions and extinctions in transforming landscapes Ecosystems. 2: 114-121
Clark WC, Jones DD, Holling CS. (1979) Lessons for ecological policy design: A case study of ecosystem management Ecological Modelling. 7: 1-53
Holling CS, Dunbrack RL, Dill LM. (1976) Predator size and prey size: presumed relationship in the mantid Hierodula coarctata Saussure Canadian Journal of Zoology. 54: 1760-1764
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