Risa Sargent, Ph.D.

Biology University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada 
"Risa Sargent"
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Noack F, Engist D, Gantois J, et al. (2024) Environmental impacts of genetically modified crops. Science (New York, N.Y.). 385: eado9340
Hyjazie BF, Sargent RD. (2024) Manipulation of soil mycorrhizal fungi influences floral traits. The New Phytologist
Sargent RD, McKeough AD. (2022) New Evidence Suggests No Sex Bias in Herbivory or Plant Defense. The American Naturalist. 200: 435-447
Sevenello M, Sargent RD, Forrest JRK. (2020) Spring wildflower phenology and pollinator activity respond similarly to climatic variation in an eastern hardwood forest. Oecologia
Groulx AF, Sargent RD. (2018) Purple Loosestrife Provides Long-Distance Pollinator Attraction to a Coflowering Native Species International Journal of Plant Sciences. 179: 593-602
Charlebois JA, Sargent RD. (2017) No consistent pollinator-mediated impacts of alien plants on natives. Ecology Letters
Sargent RD, Angert AL, Williams JL. (2017) When are species invasions useful for addressing fundamental questions in plant biology? American Journal of Botany
Stastny M, Sargent RD. (2017) Evidence for rapid evolutionary change in an invasive plant in response to biological control. Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Thomsen CJ, Sargent RD. (2017) Evidence that a herbivore tolerance response affects selection on floral traits and inflorescence architecture in purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria). Annals of Botany
Moeller DA, Briscoe Runquist RD, Moe AM, et al. (2017) Global biogeography of mating system variation in seed plants. Ecology Letters
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