Lee A. Dugatkin
Affiliations: | University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, United States |
evolution, behavior and the history of scienceGoogle:
"Lee Dugatkin"Cross-listing: Animal Behavior Tree - History of History Tree
Sign in to add mentorJerram Brown | grad student | 1987-1991 | SUNY Albany (Cell Biology Tree) |
David Sloan Wilson | grad student | 1988-1991 | SUNY Binghamton |
Jean-Guy J. Godin | post-doc | 1991-1992 | Mount Allison University, University of Louisville |
Sign in to add traineeMichael S. Alfieri | grad student | 2000 | University of Louisville (Cell Biology Tree) |
Ryan L. Earley | grad student | 1997-2002 | University of Louisville (Cell Biology Tree) |
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Dugatkin LA, Bekoff M. (2019) Play and the evolution of fairness: a game theory model. Behavioural Processes. 60: 209-214 |
Hasenjager MJ, Dugatkin LA. (2017) Fear of predation shapes social network structure and the acquisition of foraging information in guppy shoals. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 284 |
Dugatkin LA. (2017) Long reach of inclusive fitness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114: 5067-5068 |
Lin C, Dugatkin LA, Yuan H, et al. (2017) A sequential collective action game and its applications to cooperative parental care in a songbird Animal Behaviour. 129: 151-159 |
Dugatkin LA, Hasenjager M. (2016) The networked animal. Scientific American. 312: 50-5 |
Dugatkin LA, Reeve HK. (2014) Winning, losing, and reaching out Behavioral Ecology. 25: 675-679 |
Dugatkin LA, Mesterton-Gibbonsand M, Houston AI. (2012) Beyond the prisoner's dilemma: Toward models to discriminate among mechanisms of cooperation in nature. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 7: 202-5 |
Dugatkin LA, Godin JJ. (2010) Effects of Hunger on Mate-choice Copying in the Guppy Ethology. 104: 194-202 |
Dugatkin LA, Alfieri MS, Moore AJ. (2010) Can Dominance Hierarchies be Replicated? Form- re-form Experiments using the Cockroach (Nauphoeta cinerea) Ethology. 97: 94-102 |
Dugatkin LA. (2007) Developmental environment, cultural transmission, and mate choice copying. Die Naturwissenschaften. 94: 651-6 |