Thomas Bataillon

Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark 
"Thomas Bataillon"
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Bataillon T, Gauthier P, Villesen P, et al. (2022) From genotype to phenotype: Genetic redundancy and the maintenance of an adaptive polymorphism in the context of high gene flow. Evolution Letters. 6: 189-202
Chen J, Bataillon T, Glémin S, et al. (2021) What does the distribution of fitness effects of new mutations reflect? Insights from plants. The New Phytologist
Muyle A, Martin H, Zemp N, et al. (2020) Dioecy is associated with high genetic diversity and adaptation rates in the plant genus Silene. Molecular Biology and Evolution
Tataru P, Bataillon T. (2020) polyDFE: Inferring the Distribution of Fitness Effects and Properties of Beneficial Mutations from Polymorphism Data. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2090: 125-146
Hartfield M, Bataillon T. (2020) Selective Sweeps Under Dominance and Inbreeding. G3 (Bethesda, Md.)
Castellano D, Macià MC, Tataru P, et al. (2019) Comparison of the Full Distribution of Fitness Effects of New Amino Acid Mutations Across Great Apes. Genetics
Tataru P, Bataillon T. (2019) polyDFEv2.0: Testing for invariance of the distribution of fitness effects within and across species. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)
Moutinho AF, Bataillon T, Dutheil JY. (2019) Variation of the adaptive substitution rate between species and within genomes Evolutionary Ecology. 34: 315-338
Bailey SF, Guo Q, Bataillon T. (2018) Identifying drivers of parallel evolution: A regression model approach. Genome Biology and Evolution
Fragata I, Matuszewski S, Schmitz MA, et al. (2018) The fitness landscape of the codon space across environments. Heredity
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