Kathryn P. Huyvaert
Affiliations: | 1999-2002 | Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, United States |
"Kathryn Huyvaert"Parents
Sign in to add mentorDavid J. Anderson | grad student | 1997-1999 | Wake Forest | |
Patricia G. Parker | grad student | 2004 | University of Missouri - Saint Louis | |
(Social and genetic dynamics of extra -pair mating in waved albatrosses (Phoebastria irrorata)) |
Sign in to add traineeVu T. Thinh | grad student | 2006-2009 | Colorado State |
Nicholas J. Van Lanen | grad student | 2008-2010 | Colorado State |
Paul T. Oesterle | grad student | 2008-2011 | Colorado State |
Michael Sirochman | grad student | 2008-2011 | Colorado State |
Krista J. Lewicki | grad student | 2010-2013 | Colorado State |
Phillip A. Street | grad student | 2010-2013 | Colorado State |
Matthew W. Hopken | grad student | 2011-2016 | Colorado State |
Kelly E. Williams | grad student | 2013-2016 | Colorado State |
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Oesterle PT, Root JJ, Mora DSO, et al. (2023) LIMITED ACCUMULATION AND PERSISTENCE OF AN INFLUENZA A VIRUS IN TADPOLE SNAILS (PHYSA SPP.). Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 59: 694-701 |
Huyvaert KP, Russell RE, Patyk KA, et al. (2018) Challenges and Opportunities Developing Mathematical Models of Shared Pathogens of Domestic and Wild Animals. Veterinary Sciences. 5 |
Mosher BA, Huyvaert KP, Bailey LL. (2018) Beyond the swab: ecosystem sampling to understand the persistence of an amphibian pathogen. Oecologia |
Mosher BA, Bailey LL, Muths E, et al. (2018) Host-pathogen metapopulation dynamics suggest high elevation refugia for boreal toads. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America |
Williams KE, Huyvaert KP, Vercauteren KC, et al. (2018) Detection and persistence of environmental DNA from an invasive, terrestrial mammal. Ecology and Evolution. 8: 688-695 |
Mosher BA, Huyvaert KP, Chestnut T, et al. (2017) Design- and model-based recommendations for detecting and quantifying an amphibian pathogen in environmental samples. Ecology and Evolution. 7: 10952-10962 |
Tompkins EM, Anderson DJ, Pabilonia KL, et al. (2017) Avian Pox Discovered in the Critically Endangered Waved Albatross (Phoebastria irrorata) from the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador. Journal of Wildlife Diseases |
Williams KE, Huyvaert KP, Piaggio AJ. (2017) Clearing muddied waters: Capture of environmental DNA from turbid waters. Plos One. 12: e0179282 |
Hopken MW, Ryan BM, Huyvaert KP, et al. (2017) Picky eaters are rare: DNA-based blood meal analysis of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) species from the United States. Parasites & Vectors. 10: 169 |
Elmore SA, Chipman RB, Slate D, et al. (2017) Management and modeling approaches for controlling raccoon rabies: The road to elimination. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases. 11: e0005249 |