William H. Bossert

Engineering and Applied Science Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Mathematical models of complex biological systems
"William H. Bossert"
Cross-listing: Chemistry Tree


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Anthony Gervin Oettinger grad student 1963 Harvard (Computer Science Tree)
 (Simulation of Character Displacement in Animals)
Edward Osborne Wilson grad student 1963 Harvard
 (Simulation of character displacement in animals)


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Laura M. MacLatchy grad student (Anthropology Tree)
Montgomery Slatkin grad student Harvard
Madhav Gadgil grad student 1969 Harvard (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
Joan Roughgarden grad student 1971 Harvard (Marine Ecology Tree)
Gerald J. Popek grad student 1973 Harvard (Computer Science Tree)
Matthew D. Potts grad student 2001 Harvard (Chemistry Tree)
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Archibald SB, Bossert WH, Greenwood DR, et al. (2010) Seasonality, the latitudinal gradient of diversity, and Eocene insects Paleobiology. 36: 374-398
Potts MD, Kassim AR, Supardi MNN, et al. (2005) Sampling tree diversity in Malaysian tropical forests: An evaluation of a pre-felling inventory Forest Ecology and Management. 205: 385-395
Potts MD, Davies SJ, Bossert WH, et al. (2004) Habitat heterogeneity and niche structure of trees in two tropical rain forests. Oecologia. 139: 446-53
McKenzie FE, Bossert WH. (1997) Mixed-species Plasmodium infections of Anopheles (Diptera:Culicidae) Journal of Medical Entomology. 34: 417-25
MacLatchy LM, Bossert WH. (1996) An analysis of the articular surface distribution of the femoral head and acetabulum in anthropoids, with implications for hip function in Miocene hominoids Journal of Human Evolution. 31: 425-453
Gotelli NJ, Bossert WH. (1991) Ecological character displacement in a variable environment Theoretical Population Biology. 39: 49-62
Morris MG, Wilson EO, Bossert WH. (1972) A Primer of Population Biology. The Journal of Applied Ecology. 9: 896
Gadgil M, Bossert WH. (1970) Life Historical Consequences of Natural Selection The American Naturalist. 104: 1-24
Wilson EO, Bossert WH, Regnier FE. (1969) A general method for estimating threshold concentrations of odorant molecules. Journal of Insect Physiology. 15: 597-610
Hazlett BA, Bossert WH. (1965) A statistical analysis of the aggressive communications systems of some hermit crabs. Animal Behaviour. 13: 357-73
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