Nelson D. Young

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
"Nelson Young"
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Aklujkar M, Young ND, Holmes D, et al. (2010) The genome of Geobacter bemidjiensis, exemplar for the subsurface clade of Geobacter species that predominate in Fe(III)-reducing subsurface environments. Bmc Genomics. 11: 490
Young ND. (1998) Pacific Coast Iris species delimitation using three species definitions: biological, phylogenetic and genealogical Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 63: 99-120
Young ND. (1996) An analysis of the causes of genetic isolation in two Pacific Coast iris hybrid zones Canadian Journal of Botany. 74: 2006-2013
Young ND. (1996) Concordance and discordance: a tale of two hybrid zones in the pacific coast irises (Iridaceae) American Journal of Botany. 83: 1623-1629
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