Mart Gross
Affiliations: | University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada |
Biodiversity Science, ConservationGoogle:
"Mart Gross"Children
Sign in to add traineeJohn D. Reynolds | grad student | University of Toronto (Marine Ecology Tree) | |
Bryan D. Neff | grad student | 2000 | University of Toronto |
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Neff BD, Garner SR, Fleming IA, et al. (2015) Reproductive success in wild and hatchery male coho salmon. Royal Society Open Science. 2: 150161 |
Hard JJ, Gross MR, Heino M, et al. (2008) Evolutionary consequences of fishing and their implications for salmon. Evolutionary Applications. 1: 388-408 |
Gross MR, Suk HY, Robertson CT. (2007) Courtship and genetic quality: asymmetric males show their best side. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 274: 2115-22 |
Neff BD, Fu P, Gross MR. (2000) Microsatellite Multiplexing in Fish Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 129: 584-593 |
Ehlinger TJ, Gross MR, Philipp DP. (1997) Morphological and growth rate differences between bluegill males of alternative reproductive life histories North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 17: 533-542 |
Fleming IA, Gross MR. (1994) BREEDING COMPETITION IN A PACIFIC SALMON (COHO: ONCORHYNCHUS KISUTCH): MEASURES OF NATURAL AND SEXUAL SELECTION. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution. 48: 637-657 |
Fleming IA, Gross MR. (1993) Breeding Success of Hatchery and Wild Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus Kisutch) in Competition. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America. 3: 230-245 |
Kindler PM, Bahr JM, Gross MR, et al. (1991) Hormonal Regulation of Parental Care Behavior in Nesting Male Bluegills: Do the Effects of Bromocriptine Suggest a Role for Prolactin? Physiological Zoology. 64: 310-322 |
Reynolds JD, Gross MR. (1990) Costs and Benefits of Female Mate Choice: Is There a Lek Paradox? The American Naturalist. 136: 230-243 |
Fleming IA, Gross MR. (1989) EVOLUTION OF ADULT FEMALE LIFE HISTORY AND MORPHOLOGY IN A PACIFIC SALMON (COHO: ONCORHYNCHUS KISUTCH). Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution. 43: 141-157 |