Brian A. Whitton

Durham University, Durham, England, United Kingdom 
"Brian Whitton"
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Aboal M, Chapuis I, Paiano MO, et al. (2018) Diversity of Chroothece (Rhodophyta, Stylonematales) including two new species European Journal of Phycology. 53: 189-197
Watson SB, Whitton BA, Higgins SN, et al. (2015) Harmful Algal Blooms Freshwater Algae of North America: Ecology and Classification. 873-920
Aboal M, García-Fernández ME, Roldán M, et al. (2014) Ecology, morphology and physiology of Chroothece richteriana (Rhodophyta, Stylonematophyceae) in the highly calcareous Río Chícamo, south-east Spain European Journal of Phycology. 49: 83-96
Whitton BA. (2013) Use of Benthic Algae and Bryophytes for Monitoring Rivers Journal of Ecology and Environment. 36: 95-100
Whitton BA. (2012) Changing approaches to monitoring during the period of the ‘Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers’ symposia Hydrobiologia. 695: 7-16
Whitton BA, Neal C. (2011) Organic phosphate in UK rivers and its relevance to algal and bryophyte surveys Annales De Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology. 47: 3-10
Neal C, Jarvie HP, Withers PJ, et al. (2010) The strategic significance of wastewater sources to pollutant phosphorus levels in English rivers and to environmental management for rural, agricultural and urban catchments. The Science of the Total Environment. 408: 1485-500
Mateo P, Berrendero E, Perona E, et al. (2010) Phosphatase activities of cyanobacteria as indicators of nutrient status in a Pyrenees river Hydrobiologia. 652: 255-268
Ellwood NTW, Turner BL, Haile SM, et al. (2007) Seasonal changes in the surface phosphatase kinetics of aquatic mosses in northern England Journal of Bryology. 29: 174-182
Turner BL, Baxter R, Ellwood NTW, et al. (2003) Seasonal phosphatase activities of mosses from Upper Teesdale, northern England Journal of Bryology. 25: 189-200
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