Rolf Ludvigsen
Affiliations: | Geology | University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada |
"Rolf Ludvigsen"Children
Sign in to add traineeStephen R. Westrop | grad student | (Physics Tree) | |
Brian R. Pratt | grad student | 1983-1989 | University of Toronto |
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Chatterton BDE, Ludvigsen R. (1998) Upper Steptoean (Upper Cambrian) Trilobites from the Mckay Group of Southeastern British Columbia, Canada Journal of Paleontology. 72: 1-43 |
Westrop SR, Ludvigsen R, Kindle CH. (1996) Marjuman (Cambrian) agnostoid trilobites of the Cow Head Group, western Newfoundland Journal of Paleontology. 70: 804-829 |
Ludvigsen R, Chatterton BDE. (1991) The peculiar Ordovician trilobite Hypodicranotus from the Whittaker Formation, District of Mackenzie Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 28: 616-622 |
Ludvigsen R. (1987) Reef trilobites from the Formosa Limestone (Lower Devonian) of southern Ontario Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 24: 676-688 |
Westrop SR, Ludvigsen R. (1987) Biogeographic control of trilobite mass extinction at an Upper Cambrian “biomere” boundary Paleobiology. 13: 84-99 |
Ludvigsen R, Westrop SR. (1986) Classification of the Late Cambrian trilobite Idiomesus Raymond Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 23: 300-307 |
Westrop SR, Ludvigsen R. (1986) Type species of the basal Ibexian trilobite Corbinia Walcott, 1924 Journal of Paleontology. 60: 68-75 |
Ludvigsen R. (1986) Revision of Acheilus and Theodenisia (Late Cambrian, Trilobita) Journal of Paleontology. 60: 61-67 |
Ludvigsen R, Westrop SR. (1985) Comments and Replies on “Three new Upper Cambrian stages for North America” Geology. 13: 667 |
Ludvigsen R, Westrop SR. (1985) Three new Upper Cambrian stages for North America Geology. 13: 139 |