Nikolaj Zuleger

Max Planck Dresden 
"Nikolaj Zuleger"
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Tollis S, Rizzotto A, Pham NT, et al. (2022) Chemical Interrogation of Nuclear Size Identifies Compounds with Cancer Cell Line-Specific Effects on Migration and Invasion. Acs Chemical Biology. 17: 680-700
Gatticchi L, de Las Heras JI, Sivakumar A, et al. (2020) Disruption Alters Radial Gene Positioning in Mouse Liver Leading to Metabolic Defects and Diabetes Characteristics. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 8: 592573
de Las Heras JI, Zuleger N, Batrakou DG, et al. (2017) Tissue-specific NETs alter genome organization and regulation even in a heterologous system. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.). 1-17
Malik P, Zuleger N, de las Heras JI, et al. (2014) NET23/STING promotes chromatin compaction from the nuclear envelope. Plos One. 9: e111851
de Las Heras JI, Meinke P, Batrakou DG, et al. (2013) Tissue specificity in the nuclear envelope supports its functional complexity. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.). 4: 460-77
Zuleger N, Kelly DA, Schirmer EC. (2013) Considering discrete protein pools when measuring the dynamics of nuclear membrane proteins. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1042: 275-98
Zuleger N, Boyle S, Kelly DA, et al. (2013) Specific nuclear envelope transmembrane proteins can promote the location of chromosomes to and from the nuclear periphery. Genome Biology. 14: R14
Korfali N, Wilkie GS, Swanson SK, et al. (2012) The nuclear envelope proteome differs notably between tissues. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.). 3: 552-64
Zuleger N, Kerr AR, Schirmer EC. (2012) Many mechanisms, one entrance: membrane protein translocation into the nucleus. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences : Cmls. 69: 2205-16
Zuleger N, Robson MI, Schirmer EC. (2011) The nuclear envelope as a chromatin organizer. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.). 2: 339-49
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