Enxiang Li

2003-2006 Nanchang University 
"Enxiang Li"
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Lu R, Xu W, Lu Q, et al. (2018) Generation and classification of transcriptomes in two species and molecular evolution of genes in Stemonaceae. Plant Diversity. 40: 253-264
Li EX, Yi S, Qiu YX, et al. (2008) Phylogeography of two East Asian species in Croomia (Stemonaceae) inferred from chloroplast DNA and ISSR fingerprinting variation. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 49: 702-14
Shi S, Qiu Y, Li E, et al. (2006) Phylogenetic relationships and possible hybrid origin of Lycoris species (Amaryllidaceae) revealed by its sequences. Biochemical Genetics. 44: 198-208
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