Erin E. Saupe, Ph.D.

2008-2014 Geology University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States 
 2017- Earth Sciences University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom 
"Erin Saupe"


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Paul A. Selden grad student 2008-2014 University of Kansas
Bruce S. Lieberman grad student 2009-2014
Derek Ernest Gilmor Briggs post-doc 2014-2016


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Bethany Allen grad student
Gwen Antell grad student 2017- Oxford


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Nussaïbah B Raja collaborator (Geotree)
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Malanoski CM, Farnsworth A, Lunt DJ, et al. (2024) Climate change is an important predictor of extinction risk on macroevolutionary timescales. Science (New York, N.Y.). 383: 1130-1134
Qiao H, Peterson AT, Myers CE, et al. (2024) Ecological niche conservatism spurs diversification in response to climate change. Nature Ecology & Evolution
Saupe EE. (2023) Explanations for latitudinal diversity gradients must invoke rate variation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2306220120
Fenton IS, Aze T, Farnsworth A, et al. (2023) Origination of the modern-style diversity gradient 15 million years ago. Nature. 614: 708-712
Darroch SAF, Saupe EE, Casey MM, et al. (2022) Integrating geographic ranges across temporal scales. Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Antell GS, Kiessling W, Aberhan M, et al. (2022) Marine Biodiversity and Geographic Distributions Are Independent on Large Scales. Current Biology : Cb. 32: 264
Antell GS, Saupe EE. (2021) Bottom-up controls, ecological revolutions and diversification in the oceans through time. Current Biology : Cb. 31: R1237-R1251
Benson RBJ, Butler R, Close RA, et al. (2021) Biodiversity across space and time in the fossil record. Current Biology : Cb. 31: R1225-R1236
Lyon C, Saupe EE, Smith CJ, et al. (2021) Climate change research and action must look beyond 2100. Global Change Biology
Fenton IS, Woodhouse A, Aze T, et al. (2021) Triton, a new species-level database of Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal occurrences. Scientific Data. 8: 160
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