John R G Turner

University of Leeds, Leeds, England, United Kingdom 
"John Turner"
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Clem KR, Bozkurt D, Kennett D, et al. (2022) Central tropical Pacific convection drives extreme high temperatures and surface melt on the Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula. Nature Communications. 13: 3906
Clem KR, Fogt RL, Turner J, et al. (2020) Record warming at the South Pole during the past three decades Nature Climate Change. 10: 1-9
Turner J, Guarino MV, Arnatt J, et al. (2020) Recent Decrease of Summer Sea Ice in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica Geophysical Research Letters. 47
Liu J, Bromwich D, Chen D, et al. (2020) Preface to the Special Issue on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate: Past, Present and Future Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. 37: 421-422
Turner J, Marshall GJ, Clem K, et al. (2020) Antarctic temperature variability and change from station data International Journal of Climatology. 40: 2986-3007
Wang Z, Turner J, Wu Y, et al. (2019) Rapid Decline of Total Antarctic Sea Ice Extent during 2014–16 Controlled by Wind-Driven Sea Ice Drift Journal of Climate. 32: 5381-5395
Wille JD, Favier V, Dufour A, et al. (2019) West Antarctic surface melt triggered by atmospheric rivers Nature Geoscience. 12: 911-916
Turner J, Phillips T, Thamban M, et al. (2019) The Dominant Role of Extreme Precipitation Events in Antarctic Snowfall Variability Geophysical Research Letters. 46: 3502-3511
Johnson DW, Turner J. (2019) Tamm Review: Nutrient cycling in forests: A historical look and newer developments Forest Ecology and Management. 444: 344-373
Chenoli SN, Turner J, Samah AA. (2018) Effects of Vertically Propagating Mountain Waves During a Strong Wind Event Over the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica Current Science. 115: 1684
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