Robert Twilley
Affiliations: | Oceanography and Coastal Sciences | Louisiana State University Baton Rouge |
"Robert Twilley"Cross-listing: Coastal/Estuarine Science Tree
Sign in to add mentorHoward T. Odum | grad student | 1982 | Louisiana State University Baton Rouge (Marine Ecology Tree) |
William M. Kemp | post-doc | 1983 | Louisiana State University Baton Rouge (Coastal/Estuarine Science Tree) |
Sign in to add traineeBenjamin Branoff | grad student | 2010-2012 | Louisiana State University Baton Rouge |
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Maxwell TL, Rovai AS, Adame MF, et al. (2023) Global dataset of soil organic carbon in tidal marshes. Scientific Data. 10: 797 |
Breithaupt JL, Steinmuller HE, Rovai AS, et al. (2023) An Improved Framework for Estimating Organic Carbon Content of Mangrove Soils Using loss-on-ignition and Coastal Environmental Setting. Wetlands (Wilmington, N.C.). 43: 57 |
Bevington AE, Twilley RR, Sasser CE. (2022) Deltaic floodplain wetland vegetation dynamics along the sediment surface elevation gradient and in response to disturbance from river flooding and hurricanes in Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana, USA Geomorphology. 398: 108011 |
Li S, Twilley RR. (2021) Nitrogen Dynamics of Inundated Sediments in an Emerging Coastal Deltaic Floodplain in Mississippi River Delta Using Isotope Pairing Technique to Test Response to Nitrate Enrichment and Sediment Organic Matter Estuaries and Coasts. 44: 1899-1915 |
White JR, DeLaune RD, Justic D, et al. (2019) Consequences of Mississippi River diversions on nutrient dynamics of coastal wetland soils and estuarine sediments: A review Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 224: 209-216 |
Elsey-Quirk T, Graham S, Mendelssohn I, et al. (2019) Mississippi river sediment diversions and coastal wetland sustainability: Synthesis of responses to freshwater, sediment, and nutrient inputs Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 221: 170-183 |
Siverd CG, Hagen SC, Bilskie MV, et al. (2019) Assessment of the temporal evolution of storm surge across coastal Louisiana Coastal Engineering. 150: 59-78 |
Liu K, Chen Q, Hu K, et al. (2018) Modeling hurricane-induced wetland-bay and bay-shelf sediment fluxes Coastal Engineering. 135: 77-90 |
Peyronnin N, Caffey R, Cowan J, et al. (2017) Optimizing Sediment Diversion Operations: Working Group Recommendations for Integrating Complex Ecological and Social Landscape Interactions Water. 9: 368 |
Twilley RR, Bentley SJ, Chen Q, et al. (2016) Co-evolution of wetland landscapes, flooding, and human settlement in the Mississippi River Delta Plain. Sustainability Science. 11: 711-731 |