BETA: Related publications


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Cushion TD, Leca I, Keays DA. (2023) MAPping tubulin mutations. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 11: 1136699
Leca I, Phillips AW, Ushakova L, et al. (2023) Codon modification of Tuba1a alters mRNA levels and causes a severe neurodevelopmental phenotype in mice. Scientific Reports. 13: 1215
Leca I, Phillips A, Hofer I, et al. (2020) A proteomic survey of microtubule-associated proteins in a R402H TUBA1A mutant mouse. Plos Genetics. 16: e1009104
Hochstoeger T, Al Said T, Maestre D, et al. (2020) The biophysical, molecular, and anatomical landscape of pigeon CRY4: A candidate light-based quantal magnetosensor. Science Advances. 6: eabb9110
Tripathy R, Leca I, van Dijk T, et al. (2018) Mutations in MAST1 Cause Mega-Corpus-Callosum Syndrome with Cerebellar Hypoplasia and Cortical Malformations. Neuron
Engels S, Treiber CD, Salzer MC, et al. (2018) Lidocaine is a nocebo treatment for trigeminally mediated magnetic orientation in birds. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 15
Gstrein T, Edwards A, Přistoupilová A, et al. (2018) Publisher Correction: Mutations in Vps15 perturb neuronal migration in mice and are associated with neurodevelopmental disease in humans. Nature Neuroscience
Holt C, Campbell M, Keays DA, et al. (2018) Improved Genome Assembly and Annotation for the Rock Pigeon (). G3 (Bethesda, Md.)
Gstrein T, Edwards A, Přistoupilová A, et al. (2018) Mutations in Vps15 perturb neuronal migration in mice and are associated with neurodevelopmental disease in humans. Nature Neuroscience
Nimpf S, Malkemper EP, Lauwers M, et al. (2017) Subcellular analysis of pigeon hair cells implicates vesicular trafficking in cuticulosome formation and maintenance. Elife. 6
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