Horacio Schneider, Ph.D

Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, Pará, Brazil 
Primate phylogenetics
"Horacio Schneider"
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Bitencourt JA, R A M Affonso P, T C Ramos R, et al. (2022) Phylogenetic relationships and the origin of New World soles (Teleostei: Pleuronectiformes: Achiridae): the role of estuarine habitats. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 107631
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da Silva R, Del R Pedraza-Marrón C, Sampaio I, et al. (2020) New insights about species delimitation in red snappers (Lutjanus purpureus and L. campechanus) using multilocus data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 106780
Guimarães-Costa AJ, Machado FS, Oliveira RRS, et al. (2019) Fish diversity of the largest deltaic formation in the Americas - a description of the fish fauna of the Parnaíba Delta using DNA Barcoding. Scientific Reports. 9: 7530
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Boubli JP, Byrne H, da Silva MNF, et al. (2018) On a new species of titi monkey (Primates: Plecturocebus Byrne et al., 2016), from Alta Floresta, southern Amazon, Brazil. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
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