Tatiana Cornelissen

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) 
"Tatiana Cornelissen"
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Romero GQ, Gonçalves-Souza T, Roslin T, et al. (2022) Climate variability and aridity modulate the role of leaf shelters for arthropods: a global experiment. Global Change Biology
Pereira CC, Novais S, Barbosa M, et al. (2022) Subtle structures with not-so-subtle functions: A data set of arthropod constructs and their host plants. Ecology. e3639
Boaventura MG, Villamil N, Teixido AL, et al. (2021) Revisiting florivory: an integrative review and global patterns of a neglected interaction. The New Phytologist
Mendes GM, Silveira FAO, Oliveira C, et al. (2021) How much leaf area do insects eat? A data set of insect herbivory sampled globally with a standardized protocol. Ecology. e03301
Mendes G, Boaventura MG, Cornelissen T. (2018) Fluctuating Asymmetry as a Bioindicator of Environmental Stress Caused by Pollution in a Pioneer Plant Species. Environmental Entomology
Telhado C, Esteves D, Cornelissen T, et al. (2010) Insect herbivores of Coccoloba cereifera do not select asymmetric plants. Environmental Entomology. 39: 849-55
Rosumek FB, Silveira FA, de S Neves F, et al. (2009) Ants on plants: a meta-analysis of the role of ants as plant biotic defenses. Oecologia. 160: 537-49
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