Tammy Stiller, PhD

Westminster College 
"Tammy Stiller"
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Fewell JH, Harrison JF, Stiller TM, et al. (1992) Distance effects on resource profitability and recruitment in the giant tropical ant, Paraponera clavata. Oecologia. 92: 542-547
Breed MD, Stiller TM, Blum MS, et al. (1992) Honeybee nestmate recognition: Effects of queen fecal pheromones. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 18: 1633-40
Fewell JH, Harrison JF, Stiller TM, et al. (1992) Distance effects on resource profitability and recruitment in the giant tropical ant, Paraponera clavata Oecologia. 92: 542-547
Breed MD, Stiller TM. (1992) Honey bee, Apis mellifera, nestmate discrimination: hydrocarbon effects and the evolutionary implications of comb choice Animal Behaviour. 43: 875-883
Breed MD, Stiller TM, Fewell JH, et al. (1991) Intercolonial interactions and nestmate discrimination in the giant tropical ant, Paraponera clavata Biotropica. 23: 301-306
Harrison JF, Fewell JH, Stiller TM, et al. (1989) Effects of experience on use of orientation cues in the giant tropical ant Animal Behaviour. 37: 869-871
Breed MD, Stiller TM, Moor MJ. (1988) The ontogeny of kin discrimination cues in the honey bee, Apis mellifera. Behavior Genetics. 18: 439-48
Breed MD, Butler L, Stiller TM. (1985) Kin discrimination by worker honey bees in genetically mixed groups. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 82: 3058-61
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