BETA: Related publications


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Scherer U, Ehlman SM, Bierbach D, et al. (2023) Reproductive individuality of clonal fish raised in near-identical environments and its link to early-life behavioral individuality. Nature Communications. 14: 7652
Ehlman SM, Scherer U, Bierbach D, et al. (2023) Leveraging big data to uncover the eco-evolutionary factors shaping behavioural development. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 290: 20222115
Ehlman SM, Scherer U, Wolf M. (2022) Developmental feedbacks and the emergence of individuality. Royal Society Open Science. 9: 221189
Laskowski KL, Bierbach D, Jolles JW, et al. (2022) The emergence and development of behavioral individuality in clonal fish. Nature Communications. 13: 6419
McNamara JM, Wolf M. (2022) Social interaction can select for reduced ability. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 289: 20221788
Kurvers RHJM, Herzog SM, Hertwig R, et al. (2021) Pooling decisions decreases variation in response bias and accuracy. Iscience. 24: 102740
Marshall JA, Kurvers RH, Krause J, et al. (2019) Quorums enable optimal pooling of independent judgements in biological systems. Elife. 8
Laskowski KL, Doran C, Bierbach D, et al. (2019) Naturally clonal vertebrates are an untapped resource in ecology and evolution research. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 3: 161-169
Bierbach D, Landgraf T, Romanczuk P, et al. (2018) Using a robotic fish to investigate individual differences in social responsiveness in the guppy. Royal Society Open Science. 5: 181026
Novaes Tump A, Wolf M, Krause J, et al. (2018) Individuals fail to reap the collective benefits of diversity because of over-reliance on personal information. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 15
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