People with institution matching "Brown University":
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Kathryn L. Amatangelo (Info) |
Brown |
david |
2015‑12‑24 |
David B. Baier (Info) |
Providence College, Brown |
sgatesy |
2014‑09‑30 |
Alan O. Bergland (Info) |
Brown |
pq |
2015‑12‑24 |
Leann M. Biancani (Info) |
University of Maryland, Brown |
leannmbiancani |
2014‑11‑09 |
Christopher E. Bird (Info) |
University of Hawaii |
Intertidal Ecology, Larval Transport, Population Genetics, Evolution, Community Ecology |
cbird |
2010‑04‑22 |
David Boerma (Info) |
Brown |
damalichthys |
2016‑03‑16 |
Alberto Bortoni (Info) |
Brown |
damalichthys |
2024‑04‑30 |
Bianca Regina Brown (Info) |
Brown |
Evolution, Ecology |
biancabrown |
2017‑09‑06 |
Matthew Thomas Carrano (Info) |
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History |
vertebrate paleontology |
mcarrano |
2018‑07‑19 |
Melody T. Chan (Info) |
Brown |
Combinatorics and algebraic geometry, particularly tropical geometry |
pq |
2015‑11‑17 |
Andrew B. Clifford (Info) |
Brown |
pq |
2015‑10‑05 |
Zachary James Cook (Info) |
Brown |
ZachCook |
2020‑04‑15 |
Weinig Cynthia (Info) |
University of Wyoming |
jschmitt |
2011‑09‑05 |
Linda Deegan (Info) |
Brown |
david |
2015‑12‑24 |
Kathleen Donohue (Info) |
Duke |
Ecological genetics |
jschmitt |
2011‑09‑05 |
Lisa Dorn (Info) |
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh |
jschmitt |
2011‑09‑05 |
Susan Dudley (Info) |
McMaster University |
plant evolutionary ecology |
jschmitt |
2011‑09‑05 |
Casey W. Dunn (Info) |
Yale, Brown |
hillisdm |
2013‑07‑25 |
Zachary C Dunseth (Info) |
Brown |
Archaeology, microarchaeology, animal dung |
zdunseth |
2021‑09‑28 |
Kathleen D. Earls (Info) |
Brown |
pq |
2015‑12‑24 |
Erika J. Edwards (Info) |
Yale, Brown |
botany, evolution, systematics |
pq |
2015‑11‑04 |
Kory M. Evans (Info) |
UMN, NOVA Southeastern University, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Rice University |
Ichthyology, morphological evolution, systematics, comparative anatomy, development, and trophic ecology |
WEBemis |
2019‑12‑19 |
Philip Fahn-Lai (Info) |
Harvard |
damalichthys |
2024‑04‑30 |
Wendell Fleming (Info) |
Brown |
applied mathematics |
felsenst |
2010‑08‑30 |
Gillian L. Galford (Info) |
Brown |
pq |
2015‑12‑24 |
Samantha Gartner (Info) |
Chicago |
damalichthys |
2020‑04‑29 |
Stephen M. Gatesy (Info) |
Brown |
MEHJones |
2013‑11‑03 |
Anne Giblin (Info) |
Brown |
david |
2015‑12‑24 |
Jacquelyn Lee Gill (Info) |
UW Madison |
paleoecology, climate change, biogeography |
paleoecologist |
2012‑03‑18 |
Roger T. Hanlon (Info) |
Marine Biological Laboratory, Brown |
matthewabirk |
2014‑02‑28 |
Shane S. Heschel (Info) |
Colorado College |
jschmitt |
2011‑09‑05 |
John Hobbie (Info) |
Brown |
david |
2015‑12‑24 |
Heidrun Huber (Info) |
Radboud University Nijmegen |
jschmitt |
2011‑09‑05 |
Julie A. Huber (Info) |
Brown |
david |
2015‑12‑24 |
Kristin Hultgren (Info) |
Seattle University |
evolutionary ecology, decorator crabs, synalphid shrimp, marine symbioses |
jebyrnes |
2009‑10‑14 |
Jose Iriarte-Diaz (Info) |
Brown |
pq |
2015‑12‑24 |
Christine M. Janis (Info) |
Brown |
Vertebrate Paleontology |
cjanis |
2013‑09‑03 |
Emily B. Josephs (Info) |
University of Toronto |
Evolutionary genetics |
emilyj |
2011‑09‑04 |
Rachel Kalisher (Info) |
Brown, NYU |
Bioarchaeology |
damalichthys |
2024‑04‑30 |
Robert Kambic (Info) |
Brown, Harvard, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine / Kennedy Krieger Institute, Hood College |
neuroscience, biomechanics, functional morphology, paleontology |
rkambic |
2013‑11‑15 |
Peter M. Kareiva (Info) |
Cornell, Brown, University of Washington, The Nature Conservancy, UCLA |
ecology, conservation biology |
lrgerbe |
2009‑10‑15 |
James R. Kellner (Info) |
Brown |
david |
2015‑12‑24 |
Margaret Kidwell (Info) |
University of Arizona |
transposable element evolution |
ogrady |
2008‑05‑09 |
Kealoha Kinney (Info) |
Brown |
ejsterling |
2018‑06‑25 |
Jennifer Knies (Info) |
Brown |
weinreich |
2010‑08‑27 |
Tonia Korves (Info) |
MITRE Corporation |
jschmitt |
2011‑09‑05 |
Léo F. Laporte (Info) |
Brown, UC Santa Cruz |
jfparham |
2013‑09‑05 |
Andrew B. Leslie (Info) |
Yale, Brown |
Paleobotany |
dwbapst |
2013‑09‑11 |
Wen-Hsiung Li (Info) |
Chicago |
Molecular Evolution |
ostratodd |
2010‑08‑27 |
Randy Linder (Info) |
UT Austin |
jschmitt |
2011‑09‑05 |
Armita R. Manafzadeh (Info) |
Brown, Yale |
damalichthys |
2017‑05‑16 |
Jerry M. Melillo (Info) |
Brown |
david |
2015‑12‑24 |
Kevin M. Middleton (Info) |
University of Missouri |
sgatesy |
2014‑09‑30 |
Kristi L. Montooth (Info) |
Indiana University Bloomington |
evolutionary physiological genetics |
montooth |
2008‑08‑29 |
Douglass H. Morse (Info) |
Brown |
Behavioral Ecology, Life History Evolution |
ecoace |
2010‑08‑30 |
Brook T. Moyers (Info) |
University of Massachusetts - Boston |
local adaptation, phenotypic plasticity, population genetics, quantitative genetics |
brooklebee |
2010‑08‑27 |
James G. Napoli (Info) |
American Museum of Natural History |
Vertebrate paleontology, evolution, morphology |
jnapoli |
2020‑02‑04 |
Masatoshi Nei (Info) |
UT Houston, Penn State |
evolutionary biology |
ogrady |
2008‑05‑09 |
Kimberly Neil (Info) |
Brown |
kbcn |
2018‑09‑06 |
Christopher Neill (Info) |
Brown |
david |
2015‑12‑24 |
Joaquin C. B. Nunez (Info) |
University of Miami, Brown, UVA, University of Vermont |
Ecological Genomics, Population Genetics, Evolutionary Biology, Genomics |
jcbnecoevo |
2018‑09‑05 |
Pamela O'Neil (Info) |
National Science Foundation |
jschmitt |
2011‑09‑05 |
Alpheus Spring Packard, Jr. (Info) |
USGS, Brown |
Entomology |
Vigyaanik |
2024‑07‑13 |
Tao Pang (Info) |
Brown |
applied mathematics |
pq |
2015‑10‑28 |
Jarrod Petersen (Info) |
Brown |
Biomechanics |
jarrodpetersen |
2020‑02‑05 |
Stephen Porder (Info) |
Brown |
david |
2015‑12‑24 |
Anton Post (Info) |
Brown |
david |
2015‑12‑24 |
Jonathan B. Puritz (Info) |
University of Rhode Island, Northeastern University, Texas A&M Corpus Christi, University of Hawai'i at Manoa |
Population Genomics, Molecular Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology |
jpuritz |
2009‑11‑17 |
Colin Purrington (Info) |
Swarthmore |
jschmitt |
2011‑09‑05 |
Brooke L. Quinn (Info) |
Brown |
biomechanics of flight, bats |
damalichthys |
2024‑04‑30 |
Sohini Ramachandran (Info) |
Stanford, Brown |
david |
2015‑07‑08 |
David M. Rand (Info) |
Brown |
Dietrich |
2008‑04‑17 |
Edward Rastetter (Info) |
Brown |
david |
2015‑12‑24 |
Jeremy Rehm (Info) |
Brown |
damalichthys |
2016‑03‑16 |
Dale A. Ritter (Info) |
Brown |
Jfetcho |
2006‑10‑19 |
Noah H. Rose (Info) |
Stanford |
Evolution, genetics, ecology |
noahrose |
2016‑01‑25 |
Andrea Rummel (Info) |
Brown, Princeton, Rice University |
damalichthys |
2016‑03‑16 |
Tim Sackton (Info) |
Harvard |
evolutionary genetics |
tsackton |
2008‑05‑11 |
Johanna Schmitt (Info) |
Brown, UC Davis |
Plant ecological genomics and evolutionary ecology; mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity |
jstinchcombe |
2010‑08‑24 |
Cosima Schunk (Info) |
Brown |
sharon_swartz |
2017‑02‑17 |
William Tecumseh Sherman Fitch, III (Info) |
Brown, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, School of Psychology, University of St.Andrews, Scotland, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Vienna |
evolution of language, evolution of music |
spasikova |
2007‑07‑05 |
Katherine F. Smith (Info) |
Brown |
david |
2015‑12‑24 |
Mitchell L. Sogin (Info) |
Marine Biological Laboratory, Brown |
Phylogenetics, Evolution |
mzdavid |
2013‑06‑08 |
Eleanor Sterling (Info) |
American Museum of Natural History |
mm1772 |
2011‑01‑08 |
Kelsey Stilson (Info) |
University of Texas |
Paleomammalogy, evo-devo |
edavis |
2013‑09‑02 |
John R. Stinchcombe (Info) |
University of Toronto |
Evolutionary genetics, Evolutionary ecology |
jstinchcombe |
2010‑08‑23 |
Sakthi Swarrup (Info) |
Brown |
damalichthys |
2024‑04‑30 |
Sharon M. Swartz (Info) |
Brown |
david |
2015‑12‑24 |
Marc Tatar (Info) |
Brown |
david |
2015‑12‑24 |
Yuko Toyonaga (Info) |
Brown |
Ecological Genetics |
pq |
2015‑10‑26 |
Morgan L Turner (Info) |
University of Washington, University of Washington Burke Museum, Brown, UMN, Harvard Medical School |
damalichthys |
2017‑05‑16 |
Eric J. von Wettberg (Info) |
Swarthmore, Copenhagen University, Brown, UC Davis, Florida International, University of Vermont |
Population genetics |
evonwettberg |
2009‑10‑14 |
Daniel M. Weinreich (Info) |
Brown |
Microbial experimental evolution, protein evolution, theoretical population genetics |
weinreich |
2010‑08‑27 |
Hannah Weller (Info) |
Chicago |
damalichthys |
2021‑06‑29 |
Timothy J. Whitfeld (Info) |
Brown |
david |
2015‑12‑24 |
Amity Wilczek (Info) |
Deep Springs College |
plant ecological genetics |
jschmitt |
2011‑09‑05 |
Jon D. Witman (Info) |
Brown |
subtidal community ecology |
jebyrnes |
2009‑10‑14 |
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