People with institution matching "Florida State University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Emily Claire (Moriarty) Lemmon (Info) UT Austin, Florida State Zoology Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics pq 2016‑01‑28
Bader H. Alhajeri (Info) Florida State phylogenetics, evolutionary biology pq 2015‑11‑08
Neil C. Aschliman (Info) Florida State batoid evolution Steppan 2012‑01‑22
Charles F. Baer (Info) UF Gainesville Evolutionary Genetics cbaer 2010‑08‑27
Lisa N. Barrow (Info) Univ. of New Mexico cwitt 2021‑12‑15
Kevin M. Beaver (Info) Florida State Criminology and Penology, Evolution and Development Biology, Theory and Methods pq 2016‑05‑18
Peter Beerli (Info) Florida State Population genetics, Evolution, Bayesian inference, Model selection felsenst 2010‑08‑26
Brian B. Boutwell (Info) Florida State Criminology and Penology, Behavioral Psychology, Developmental Psychology pq 2016‑05‑18
Lincoln P. Brower (Info) Amherst College, UF Gainesville, Sweet Briar College, Florida State jon527 2016‑06‑24
Thomas D. Bruns (Info) UC Berkeley Fungal ecology, Molecular Phylogenetics, Systematics stajich 2011‑08‑04
Ashley J.R. Carter (Info) California State University, Long Beach Evolutionary biology ajrcarter73 2014‑07‑15
William J. Cooper (Info) Chicago Steppan 2012‑01‑22
Douglas A. DeVries (Info) Florida State Ecological Genetics pq 2015‑10‑26
Emily H. DuVal (Info) Florida State behavioral ecology, cooperation, mating systems ehduval 2014‑02‑22
Ian Michael Dworkin (Info) McMaster University, Michigan State Wing Development, Evolutionary Genetics, genetics of shape, Behavioral Genetics, sexual dimorphism, genetic background effects idworkin 2008‑05‑23
Gregory Mark Erickson (Info) Florida State paleospike 2010‑11‑23
Denise N. Everhart (Info) Florida State denise22 2010‑08‑30
James M. Faddol (Info) Florida State Evolution and Development Biology, Genetics pq 2016‑05‑13
Dean Falk (Info) Florida State Brain Evolution siliconbrain 2007‑10‑12
Janna Lynn Fierst (Info) Florida State Evolution sdudgeon 2009‑11‑08
Sidney W. Fox (Info) University of Miami, Iowa State College, Florida State biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Evolution jandh 2012‑03‑12
Rebecca C. Fuller (Info) Florida State Ecological Genetics pq 2015‑10‑26
Paul M. Gignac (Info) Florida State pq 2015‑11‑04
Elise S. Gornish (Info) UC Davis Restoration Ecology, Plant Demography, Climate Change egornish 2015‑10‑26
Ralph Dean Grubbs (Info) Florida State fish ecology, elasmobranch biology, fisheries, deep sea biology, life histories, migration dgrubbs 2014‑01‑22
Alexa G Guerrera (Info) Florida State Evolution, Ecology aguerrera 2022‑01‑05
Margaret S. Gunzburger (Info) Florida State Ecological Genetics pq 2015‑10‑26
Robert Wayne Hastings (Info) Florida State, Southeastern Louisiana University muddynat 2024‑07‑19
Stephen Hendricks (Info) Bowling Green State University mmyacob 2015‑12‑30
Joe Hereford (Info) Florida State Ecology Biology, Botany Biology pq 2016‑05‑13
Mark T. Holder (Info) University of Kansas Phylogenetics trayc7 2011‑05‑11
Jill A. Holliday (Info) UF Gainesville mammalian systeamtics, paleontology, morphological evolution Steppan 2011‑11‑12
Lisa A. Horth (Info) Florida State Ecological Genetics pq 2015‑10‑26
David Houle (Info) Florida State Evolutionary and Population Genetics bmcallister 2008‑12‑13
Kimberly A. Hughes (Info) Florida State evolutionary, ecological and behavioral genetics, life history evolution, sexual selection rmreynol 2010‑08‑27
Ilana L. Janowitz (Info) Florida State Ecological Genetics janowitz 2010‑08‑30
Blake Carlton Jones (Info) Florida State behavioral ecology, endocrinology, physiology jonesbc 2019‑06‑29
Eric Hunter Jones (Info) Florida State Floral evolution Botanizilla 2010‑09‑02
Nathaniel K. Jue (Info) University of Connecticut, California State University Monterey Bay Evolutionary Genetics, Marine Ecology nkjue 2010‑08‑27
James R. Justus (Info) UT Austin Philosophy, Ecology Biology pq 2016‑01‑28
Joshua King (Info) Universitz of Central Florida trachymyrmex 2021‑03‑17
Jamie M. Kneitel (Info) Florida State pq 2015‑11‑16
Matthew Kolmann (Info) University of Toronto Functional Morphology, Phylogeny, Biomechanics, Biodiversity jpfontenelle 2015‑06‑17
Brittany Kraft (Info) Florida State kahughes 2016‑09‑03
Deborah D. Kurth (Info) Florida State Criminology and Penology, Behavioral Psychology, Women's Studies pq 2016‑05‑18
Clemens Lakner (Info) Florida State Phylogenetics pq 2015‑10‑26
Alan R. Lemmon (Info) Florida State phylogenetics, phylogeography, genomics, speciation jembrown 2010‑08‑27
Samantha T Levell (Info) UC Riverside Evolution, Ecology, Fish Slevell 2022‑09‑09
Katie E. McGhee (Info) Florida State Ecological Genetics pq 2015‑10‑26
Moses James Michelsohn (Info) Florida State muddynat 2024‑03‑22
Thomas Edward Miller (Info) Florida State caseyterhorst 2013‑01‑08
Emily C. Moriarty (Info) Florida State Herpetology, speciation hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Gavin J. P. Naylor (Info) Florida State, UF Gainesville Phylogenetics, sharks gnaylor 2010‑08‑27
Joseph L. Nedelec (Info) Florida State Criminology and Penology, Evolution and Development Biology, Theory and Methods pq 2016‑05‑18
David L G Noakes (Info) Oregon State ecology evolution development ethology behavior genetics fisheries orientation imprinting species DavidLGNoakes 2020‑05‑02
Johan Nylander (Info) Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Sweeden mtholder 2012‑08‑17
Oscar Eduardo Ospina (Info) Florida State Evolution, phylogenetics, population genetics oscarospina 2019‑05‑22
Michal Palczewski (Info) Florida State methods in population genetics beerli 2010‑09‑02
Abigail Pastore (Info) Florida State temiller 2021‑01‑06
Michal Placzewski (Info) Florida State methods development population genetics beerli 2010‑09‑02
Albert Prieto-Marquez (Info) American Museum of Natural History hadrosaurs paleospike 2010‑12‑11
Marie A. Ratchford (Info) Florida State Criminology and Penology pq 2016‑05‑18
Mark Rausher (Info) Duke Meisel 2008‑08‑06
Kevin C. Rowe (Info) Museum of Victoria mammalian systematics, evolution Steppan 2011‑11‑12
Sarah N. Ruckman (Info) Florida State, Texas A & M sruckman 2020‑05‑16
Michael Ruse (Info) Florida State DavidLGNoakes 2020‑05‑02
Wilbur H. Ryan (Info) Florida State temiller 2021‑01‑06
Jon Seal (Info) University of Texas at Tyler umueller 2016‑05‑26
Scott J. Steppan (Info) Florida State phylogenetics, evolutionary biology Steppan 2011‑11‑12
Sharon Y. Strauss (Info) UC Davis Community and population ecology: plant-herbivore interactions kram 2009‑11‑23
Timothy D. Swain (Info) Florida State Evolution and Development Biology, Ecology Biology, Zoology Biology pq 2016‑05‑13
David Swofford (Info) Duke Phylogenetics hillisdm 2011‑11‑09
Casey P. terHorst (Info) CSUN Community Ecology, Evolution caseyterhorst 2009‑11‑07
Joseph Anthony Travis (Info) Florida State Ecological Genetics cbaer 2010‑08‑27
Joel C. Trexler (Info) Florida International Ecology Biology, Evolution and Development Biology pq 2016‑05‑12
Kim van der Linde (Info) Florida State Community Ecology, Evolutionary genetics, Neurobiology KimvdLinde 2010‑08‑19
Margaret Vogel (Info) Florida State temiller 2021‑01‑06
Peter C. Wainwright (Info) UC Irvine, Florida International, Florida State, UC Davis Evolution, ichthyology, functional morphology laferrygraham 2009‑09‑23
Dan L. Warren (Info) ANU danbolnick 2010‑08‑27
Alice A. Winn (Info) Florida State Evolution and Development Biology, Ecology Biology, Botany Biology pq 2016‑05‑13
Kenneth P. Wray (Info) Iowa State Evolutionary biology, phylogenetics, speciation, herpetology kwray 2016‑09‑02
Janie L. Wulff (Info) Florida State Evolution and Development Biology, Ecology Biology, Zoology Biology pq 2016‑05‑13
Margaret M. Yacobucci (Info) Bowling Green State University mspencer928 2010‑11‑24
Ralph W. Yerger (Info) Cornell muddynat 2024‑07‑19
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