People with institution matching "Stockholm University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Victor A. Albert (Info) United States plant genomics and evolution vaalbert 2015‑04‑30
Kåre Bremer (Info) The Swedish Museum of Natural History / Uppsala University / Stockholm University Systematic Botany (Asteraceae/Compositae, Melastomataceae, Monocotyledons) johanneslundberg 2010‑08‑27
Marc R. Friedlander (Info) Stockholm University, The Wenner-Gren Institute, SciLifeLab BastianFromm 2019‑03‑27
Bastian Fromm (Info) Friedrich Schiller University Jena, University of Oslo, Natural History Museum, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo, Norway, Stockholm University, The Wenner-Gren Institute, SciLifeLab, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway microRNAs, evolution, parasitism BastianFromm 2019‑03‑26
Bertil Hanström (Info) Lund University muddynat 2024‑01‑25
Crawford (Buzz) S. Holling (Info) UF Gainesville Theoretical Ecology dinnager 2012‑04‑11
Nils Frithiof Holmgren (Info) Stockholm University muddynat 2024‑01‑25
Ariel F Kahrl (Info) Stockholm University Evolution, Sexual Selection akahrl 2020‑06‑30
Bengt Karlsson (Info) Stockholm University cboggs 2014‑02‑22
Malin Kylander (Info) Stockholm University SophiaHansson 2024‑04‑30
Jakob Wilhelm Ebbe Gustaf Leche (Info) Stockholm University muddynat 2024‑01‑25
Simon Asher Levin (Info) Cornell, Princeton Ecology, theoretical ecology, mathematical biology, ecological economics, applied mathematics slevin 2012‑07‑28
Gustaf Lindström (Info) University of Uppsala muddynat 2024‑01‑25
Sven Ludvig Lovén (Info) Stockholm University muddynat 2024‑01‑25
David Peris (Info) University of Valencia, Spain, UW Madison, Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC), University of Oslo, Norway, Valencian International University, Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC) fungi biodiversity and evolution, biotechnological application of fungi barrioe 2015‑07‑08
Garry D Peterson (Info) Stockholm University resilience, social-ecological systems, scenarios railroadtrack 2019‑08‑20
Juan Carlos Rocha (Info) Stockholm University regime shifts, networks railroadtrack 2019‑08‑20
Tanja Slotte (Info) Stockholm University siwright 2015‑09‑30
Rike Stelkens (Info) Stockholm University Peris_D 2022‑08‑23
Stephen I. Wright (Info) University of Toronto williarj 2011‑09‑08
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