People with institution matching "Texas A ": Advanced Search
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Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Shawna Hubert (Info) Texas A & M gatr 2024‑04‑25
Emily Claire (Moriarty) Lemmon (Info) UT Austin, Florida State Zoology Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics pq 2016‑01‑28
Audrey Jeanine Abrams (Info) University of Texas Viral evolution, conservation hillisdm 2011‑11‑09
Louis Addae-Wireko (Info) Texas A & M beanus111 2020‑05‑18
Headley Cadwallader Adelmann (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2024‑07‑19
Deepa Agashe (Info) UT Austin, Harvard, National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) Adaptation, Molecular evolution, Niche use, Codon usage, Population ecology, Variation danbolnick 2010‑08‑27
James Alfieri (Info) Texas A & M gatr 2019‑07‑29
Chloé Allen (Info) UT Austin kellyzamudio 2023‑08‑20
Mattea Allert (Info) University of Texas at Tyler eboshers 2023‑10‑20
Karen M Alofs (Info) University of Michigan Ecology kmalofs 2017‑07‑09
Douglas L. Altshuler (Info) UC Riverside, UBC animal flight, biomechanics, motor control, visual guidance, visual neuroscience daltshuler 2008‑12‑27
Loren Ammerman (Info) Angelo State University Mammalogy (especially bats) hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Trond Amundsen (Info) NTNU, Trondheim 2016‑01‑08
Lauren Weinstock Ancel (Info) Stanford david 2015‑07‑08
Christopher G. Anderson (Info) Univ. of New Mexico muddynat 2024‑03‑08
David J. Anderson (Info) Wake Forest Evolutionary Ecology DaveAnderson 2017‑03‑02
Nicole F. Angeli (Info) National Museum of Natural History KdQ 2018‑09‑20
Krista M Angileri (Info) Cornell, University of Pittsburgh, UT Austin, UIUC transposons, regeneration, zebrafish, eye kangileri 2022‑09‑15
Jyot D Antani (Info) Yale flagellar motor, bacteriophage, biophysics antanij 2021‑06‑24
John Stirling Applegarth (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2024‑01‑04
Matt Ashworth (Info) UT Austin jansenrk 2018‑05‑24
Giri Athrey (Info) University of Louisiana - Lafayette, Texas A & M, Texas A & M Evolutionary Genetics, Vector Biology, Livestock Genomics gatr 2011‑06‑07
Amy Atwater (Info) Denali National Park Paleobiology edavis 2013‑09‑02
Christopher C. Austin (Info) UT Austin, Louisiana State mafnoor 2016‑05‑21
John C. Avise (Info) UC Irvine ecological and evolutionary genetics mafnoor 2008‑07‑25
Frank Thomas Awbrey (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑04
Ralph William Axtell (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑04
Fatemeh Bagheri (Info) Sharif University of Technology, UT Austin, National Science Foundation, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Exoplanets, Cosmology, Microlensing, Space Physics aking 2025‑01‑01
Amy Bickham Baird (Info) University of Houston Mammalogy (especially bats) hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Richard John Baldauf (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2023‑11‑19
Andrew S. Baldwin (Info) UT Arlington Herpetology, systematics pq 2015‑11‑11
Royce Eugene Ballinger (Info) University of Nebraska, Texas A & M, Angelo State University muddynat 2024‑07‑07
David W. Bapst (Info) Texas A & M Paleobiology, Phylogenetics, dwbapst 2011‑08‑02
Jan (Janet) C. Barber (Info) UT Austin Plant Systematics and Evolution pq 2015‑11‑08
Andres Barboza (Info) Texas A & M coleoguy 2023‑11‑19
Peregrine S. Barboza (Info) Texas A & M bizonboy 2023‑08‑27
Perry Barboza (Info) Texas A & M Nfamoso 2020‑06‑21
Apurba K. Barman (Info) Texas A & M Entomology Biology, Botany Biology, Genetics, Systematic Biology pq 2016‑05‑13
Margaret E. Batchelor (Info) UT Austin pq 2015‑11‑10
Kristen Anne Baum (Info) Oklahoma State University muddynat 2024‑01‑13
Christine Bays (Info) University of Texas at Tyler eboshers 2024‑03‑11
David Begun (Info) UC Davis Evolutionary Genetics, population genetics cbergman 2008‑05‑26
Katherine Beigel (Info) University of Texas at Tyler eboshers 2023‑10‑17
Christina L. Belanger (Info) South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Texas A & M Paleontology, Paleoceanography, Stratigraphy dwbapst 2013‑09‑11
Christopher Jackson Bell (Info) UT Austin edavis 2013‑09‑06
Gorden Bell (Info) UT Austin cabrochu1 2018‑08‑28
William Charles Bell (Info) UT Austin stratigraphy, invertebrate paleontology jfparham 2013‑09‑05
Nathan Bendik (Info) University of Texas at Arlington allopatry 2015‑11‑02
Joseph Bernardo (Info) Texas A & M Biogeography, ecology (especially of salamanders) hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Alejandro Berrio (Info) UT Austin Epigenetics, evolution and Behaviour alebesc 2010‑03‑05
Gabriel S Bever (Info) The Johns Hopkins University, school of medicine dcims 2022‑08‑13
Neha Bhat (Info) Texas A & M Human Development, Genetics, Cell Biology pq 2016‑05‑15
Thomas S Bianchi (Info) UF Gainesville Biogeochemistry, chemical oceanography, organic geochemistry Tbianchi 2019‑06‑06
David P. Bickford (Info) National University of Singapore Herpetology, systematics hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
John W. Bickham (Info) Purdue Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Development Biology pq 2016‑05‑11
John W. Bickman (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2023‑12‑28
Joseph P. Bielawski (Info) Texas A & M Genetics pq 2016‑05‑19
Heath Blackmon (Info) UMN, Texas A & M Genome evolution coleoguy 2015‑09‑03
W. Frank Blair (Info) UT Austin ecology, evolutionary biology, herpetology mbee 2011‑02‑11
John C, Blazier (Info) UT Austin jansenrk 2018‑05‑24
Robert Hugh Blodgett (Info) Austin Community College, Dickinson College, Ohio State Natural hazards, sedimentology, paleosols RHBlodgett 2018‑03‑12
Zachary D. Blount (Info) Michigan State Evolution, experimental evolution, historical contingency, innovation, speciation RichardLenski 2013‑02‑07
Brooke Bogan (Info) SUNY Fredonia, University of Alabama, UT Austin thegna 2022‑10‑07
James P. Bogart (Info) University of Guelph Herpetology austinj 2014‑02‑11
Carol L. Boggs (Info) University of South Carolina population biology, conservation biology cboggs 2014‑02‑22
Brendan Bohannan (Info) University of Oregon RichardLenski 2013‑02‑07
Daniel I. Bolnick (Info) UT Austin, University of Connecticut Trophic diversity danbolnick 2010‑08‑27
Ronald M. Bonett (Info) University of Tulsa david 2014‑02‑27
Jeffrey L. Boore (Info) UC Berkeley Comparative genomics, molecular evolution, systematics, organelle genomics, high-throughput DNA sequencing gnaylor 2010‑08‑27
Emily M. Booth (Info) UT Austin Ecology, Fire ecology, Conservation Biology, Climate Change ebooth 2010‑08‑31
Elizabeth D. Boshers (Info) The University of Texas at Tyler Phylogeny, evolution, microbiome, communication eboshers 2023‑10‑17
Clint A. Boyd (Info) UT Austin pzbarrett 2017‑01‑19
Robert D. Bradley (Info) Texas Tech Mammalogy, systematics hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Matthew J. Brauer (Info) Genentech, Inc. Molecular evolution hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Benjamin T Breeden (Info) National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo Vertebrate paleontology, geochemistry, stratigraphy bennbreeden 2019‑11‑11
Blake Bringhurst (Info) University of Texas at Tyler eboshers 2023‑10‑17
Dana M Britton (Info) Rutgers, New Brunswick Gender and Work, Occupations and Professions, Research Methodology danabrit 2020‑02‑10
Christopher Brochu (Info) University of Iowa jcamp 2010‑11‑24
Chad Brock (Info) UT Austin danbolnick 2010‑08‑27
Chase Brooke (Info) Texas A & M beanus111 2020‑05‑18
Christopher A. Brown (Info) University of Texas at Arlington formanow 2018‑09‑19
Jeremy M. Brown (Info) Louisiana State phylogenetics, molecular evolution, phylogeography jembrown 2010‑08‑27
Rafe M. Brown (Info) University of Kansas Herpetology, systematics hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
James Alfred Brownell (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑04
Ellen S. Browning (Info) UT Arlington Herpetology, systematics pq 2015‑11‑11
Daniel R. Brumbaugh (Info) American Museum of Natural History evolutionary ecology, coral reef ecology, conservation science, coupled human and natural systems, MPAs, EBM, spatial management dbrumbaugh 2009‑10‑15
Michael S. Brumbaugh (Info) UT Austin pq 2015‑11‑10
Christopher Michael Bryant (Info) UT Arlington aking 2025‑01‑01
Christine M. Budke (Info) Texas A & M majidfasihiharandi 2017‑04‑16
James Jeffrey Bull (Info) University of Texas Evolutionary Biology johnh 2011‑06‑08
Nancy Tyler Burley (Info) UC Irvine Ecology Biology, Zoology Biology, Behavioral Psychology pq 2016‑05‑29
Arthur B. Busbey (Info) UT Austin paleochick 2018‑08‑28
Isabel C. Caballero (Info) University of Illinois, Chicago Genetics, Zoology Biology, Conservation Biology pq 2016‑05‑12
William H. Cade (Info) University of Lethbridge Sexual Selection, Animal Behaviour, Entomology kjudge 2010‑09‑20
James J. Cai (Info) University of Hong Kong, Texas A & M, Stanford Single-cell Biology, Machine Learning, Quantum Computing xxia 2020‑11‑04
Rebecca M. Calisi Rodríguez (Info) UC Davis, Barnard College, Columbia University reproduction, neurobiology, genomics gbentley 2009‑05‑12
James Nicholas Cameron (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑07‑15
Jonathan A. Campbell (Info) University of Texas at Arlington Herpetology jacoborv 2013‑07‑05
Jeffrey Douglas Camper (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2023‑11‑22
Hugo H. Campos (Info) Austral University of Chile damalichthys 2024‑12‑03
David C. Cannatella (Info) UT Austin Evolution and Development Biology, Animal Physiology Biology pq 2016‑01‑27
Daren C. Card (Info) University of Texas at Arlington Evolutionary Biology, Genomics jacoborv 2013‑07‑05
Alexis Carlson (Info) UT Austin umueller 2018‑07‑22
Rose L. Carlson (Info) Harvard ecology, evolutionary biology, ichthyology lokilei 2009‑10‑14
Celine Carneiro (Info) UF Gainesville celinetree 2022‑09‑19
Claudio Casola (Info) Texas A & M cfeschotte 2019‑11‑21
Todd A. Castoe (Info) University of Texas at Arlington Herpetology jacoborv 2013‑07‑05
John L. Chaille (Info) UT Austin Vertebrate paleontology pq 2015‑11‑04
Aravinda Chakravarti (Info) Johns Hopkins Medical School Human genetics mzwick 2010‑09‑01
E. Anne Chambers (Info) UT Austin hillisdm 2018‑09‑19
Nabin Chapagain (Info) UT Arlington aking 2025‑01‑01
Kenneth James Chapin (Info) University of Arizona animal behavior, evolution, behavioral ecology abcde 2018‑10‑16
Michael A. Charleton (Info) University of Sydney guest 2011‑06‑07
Feng Chen (Info) UT Austin csuttle 2017‑02‑07
I-Chung Chen (Info) UT San Antonio Cell Biology, Genetics pq 2016‑05‑18
Sean Chien (Info) Texas A & M coleoguy 2023‑11‑19
Paul T. Chippindale (Info) University of Texas - Arlington Herpetology, systematics hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Scott E. Chirhart (Info) Texas A & M Mammalogy, Systematics, Evolution, Cytogenetics pq 2015‑11‑08
James Learned Christiansen (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2024‑01‑04
Timothy W. Chumley (Info) UT Austin Plant evolution, ecology, systematics pq 2015‑10‑26
Kristina Chyn (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2024‑01‑26
Rebecca Clark (Info) Texas A & M breed 2015‑04‑04
Donald Ray Clark, Jr. (Info) University of Kansas muddynat 2023‑10‑21
Rebecca Clemons (Info) UT Austin kellyzamudio 2023‑08‑20
April Ann Torres Conkey (Info) Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar aprilann 2011‑11‑10
Megan Copeland (Info) Texas A & M coleoguy 2023‑11‑19
Matthew Cottrell (Info) UT Austin csuttle 2017‑02‑07
Robert Norris Coulson (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2024‑01‑13
Arthur W. Covert III (Info) UT Austin mercere99 2013‑02‑08
Christian L. Cox (Info) Georgia Southern University allopatry 2015‑11‑02
Keith A. Crandall (Info) George Washington University, BYU Population genetics, evolutionary biology, bioinformatics, crustacean systematics crandall 2010‑08‑27
Wayne D. Crill (Info) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Evolution of disease vectors hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Charles D Criscione (Info) Texas A & M parasitology, evolution, ecology cdcpedigree 2023‑04‑14
Brian Irvin Crother (Info) Southeastern Louisiana University Herpetology, systemetics hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
James F. Crow (Info) UW Madison Evolutionary Genetics rlrogers 2010‑08‑27
Clifford W. Cunningham (Info) Duke evolution ostratodd 2010‑08‑27
nima dabidian (Info) UT Austin optoelectronics, metamaterials, graphene, biosensing nimadabidian 2017‑05‑12
Colin Dale (Info) University of Utah nmoran 2014‑02‑22
Catherine R. Darst (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑03‑01
Barnabas Daru (Info) Stanford, Texas A&M - Corpus Christi phylogenetic ecology, species distributions, climate change biology, plant biology damalichthys 2024‑05‑20
Kyle L Davies (Info) UT Austin paleochick 2018‑08‑28
Scott Kevin Davis (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2023‑10‑17
Gage Hart Dayton (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2024‑01‑26
Rafael O. de Sá (Info) University of Richmond Herpetology, systematics hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Eric de Waal (Info) UT San Antonio Molecular Biology, Genetics pq 2016‑05‑18
Robert Hayes Dean (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2023‑11‑22
William (Bill) George Degenhardt (Info) Texas A & M, Univ. of New Mexico muddynat 2023‑11‑19
Alex DeMilto (Info) University of Texas at Tyler eboshers 2023‑10‑20
Jeff Demuth (Info) UT Arlington devindrown 2011‑10‑25
Thomas J. Devitt (Info) UT Austin Systematics, Herpetology hillisdm 2013‑07‑26
J. Andrew DeWoody (Info) Purdue molecular ecology/evolution and conservation genomics dewoody 2010‑08‑27
Hudson Deyoe (Info) UT Austin csuttle 2017‑02‑07
Christopher W. Dick (Info) University of Michigan carolinetomo 2020‑02‑18
Aaron M. Dickey (Info) Texas A & M Evolution and Development Biology, Entomology Biology, Parasitology Biology pq 2016‑05‑13
Lawrence Samuel Dillon (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2023‑10‑17
James R. Dixon (Info) Texas A & M DFoley3 2018‑04‑06
Michael T. Dixon (Info) Angelo State University Ornithology, Herpetology hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Tiffany M. Doan (Info) Central Connecticut State University herpetology, biogeography, tropical biology lizardtiff 2010‑08‑28
Michael Edwin Dorcas (Info) UT Arlington muddynat 2024‑01‑15
Robert Henry Dott (Info) UW Madison Sedimentology, Geology jfparham 2013‑09‑04
Robert Clark Dowler (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2025‑01‑06
Laurie A. Dries (Info) City of Austin Endangered Species Conservation hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Travis P. Driver (Info) UT Austin aking 2018‑02‑03
Bernadette Duhan (Info) University of Texas at Arlington aking 2019‑08‑22
Katherine A. Dunn (Info) Texas A & M Evolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics, Mammalogy pq 2015‑10‑26
Anne Duputie (Info) GEPV lab, Lille, France massol 2013‑09‑14
Guillaume J. Dury (Info) UT Austin GJDury 2023‑01‑27
Evan P. Economo (Info) UT Austin Ecology, Biostatistics pq 2016‑01‑22
Thomas G. Eimermacher (Info) UT Arlington Herpetology pq 2015‑10‑02
Eric G. Ekdale (Info) UT Austin Vertebrate paleontology pq 2015‑11‑04
Ruth L. Elder (Info) UT Austin paleochick 2018‑08‑28
Jorja Elliott (Info) Texas A & M coleoguy 2023‑11‑19
Norman C. Ellstrand (Info) UC Riverside Applied plant population genetics Ellstrand 2010‑08‑25
Mark D. Engstrom (Info) Royal Ontario Museum Mammalogy Burton_Lim 2020‑08‑10
Catalina Estrada (Info) UT Austin Coevolution, mimicry pq 2015‑11‑16
Majid Fasihi Harandi (Info) Kerman University of Medical Sciences Parasitology majidfasihiharandi 2017‑04‑16
Carolyn J. Ferguson (Info) Kansas State University Botany Biology, Systematic Biology, Evolution and Development Biology pq 2016‑05‑17
Cedric Feschotte (Info) Cornell echuong 2017‑12‑03
Will Fischer (Info) LANL Molecular evolution, phylogenetics hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Lee A. Fitzgerald (Info) Univ. of New Mexico, Texas A & M Herpetology, ecology, conservation biology muddynat 2024‑01‑01
Robert Ryland Fleet (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2024‑07‑07
Dan H. Foley III (Info) Utah State University Lizard Ecology DFoley3 2018‑04‑05
Lewis A. Follansbee (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑04
Brian E. Fontenot (Info) UT Arlington Herpetology, systematics pq 2015‑11‑11
Daniel R. Formanowicz (Info) University of Texas at Arlington behavioral ecology, entomology annbmayo 2011‑06‑19
Michael R.J. Forstner (Info) Texas State, San Marcos muddynat 2023‑10‑17
Martin (Jack) John Fouquette, Jr. (Info) Arizona State herpetology rlm 2016‑07‑17
Norma Lee Fowler (Info) UT Austin ebooth 2012‑01‑30
Laurence J. Frabotta (Info) Texas A & M Evolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics, Mammalogy pq 2015‑10‑26
Javier Francisco-Ortega (Info) Florida International Genetics, Botany Biology, Evolution and Development Biology pq 2016‑05‑13
Jonathan W. Franzosa (Info) UT Austin Vertebrate paleontology pq 2015‑11‑04
Qiuyi (Joey) Fu (Info) Texas A & M ORL 2023‑10‑22
David T. Fuentes (Info) UT Austin mathematics / Civil / Aerospace / Biomedical Engineering pq 2015‑11‑22
Matthew K. Fujita (Info) University of Texas at Arlington hillisdm 2013‑07‑26
Trevon L. Fuller (Info) UT Austin Ecology Biology, Environmental Engineering pq 2016‑01‑28
Bethany L. Gabbard (Info) UT Austin pq 2015‑11‑10
Daniel Stephen Gallagher (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2023‑11‑22
Marc R. Gallup (Info) UT Austin paleochick 2018‑08‑28
Justin R. Garson (Info) UT Austin Philosophy pq 2016‑01‑28
Randy Garza (Info) UT Austin csuttle 2017‑02‑07
H. Carl Gerhardt (Info) University of Missouri-Columbia frog communication, evolution and ecology of animal communication AKLINGE 2011‑01‑29
Oranit Gilad (Info) Texas A & M Evolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics, Mammalogy pq 2015‑10‑26
Lawrence E. Gilbert (Info) UT Austin Coevolution, mimicry jmcgloth 2012‑12‑07
Haramrit Kaur Gill (Info) Texas A & M ORL 2024‑07‑16
John H. Gillespie (Info) UC Davis Theoretical Population Genetics adkern 2009‑10‑14
Andrew G. Gluesenkamp (Info) UT Austin Zoology Biology pq 2016‑01‑28
Leslie R. Goertzen (Info) UT Austin Plant evolution, ecology, systematics pq 2015‑10‑26
John Gold (Info) Texas A & M jpwares 2016‑05‑19
Douglas H. Goldman (Info) UT Austin Plant Systematics and Evolution pq 2015‑11‑08
Kiara J Gomez (Info) Smith College, UT Austin Geochemistry Kiaragomez 2020‑09‑28
Barbara E. Goodson (Info) UT Austin Plant Systematics and Evolution pq 2015‑11‑08
Wendy S. Gordon (Info) UT Austin pq 2015‑11‑10
Jacquelyn K. Grace (Info) Wake Forest DaveAnderson 2017‑03‑02
William E. Grant (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2024‑02‑10
Dan Graur (Info) University of Houston molecular evolution reed 2010‑08‑18
Anna Graybeal (Info) Field Museum Herpetology, systematics hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Edward James Greding, Jr. (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑04
Eli Greenbaum (Info) University of Kansas pq 2015‑10‑06
Ira F. Greenbaum (Info) Texas A & M Mammalogy, Systematics, Evolution, Cytogenetics igreenbaum51 2011‑11‑11
Brian David Greene (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2023‑11‑22
Harry Walter Greene (Info) Cornell Behavior, ecology, evolution, and conservation biology jmcgloth 2010‑08‑27
Charles J. Greenwald (Info) Texas A & M Genetics, Evolution and Development Biology pq 2016‑05‑13
Danielle M. Greer (Info) Texas A & M Ornithology pq 2015‑11‑08
Jerry Carl Grubb (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑04
Michael Gruenstaeudl (Info) UT Austin jansenrk 2018‑05‑24
Carlos E. Guarnizo (Info) Universidad de los Andes CrawfordAJ 2023‑03‑22
Nelson A. Guda (Info) UT Austin Coevolution, mimicry pq 2015‑11‑16
Mónica Alexandra Guerra (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑03‑01
Mary Margaret Guisinger (Info) UC Berkeley Plant molecular evolution guisinmm 2011‑11‑09
Carla G. Guthrie (Info) UT Austin pq 2015‑11‑14
Sheldon Irwin Guttman (Info) Miami University 2022‑01‑15
William Henry Norbert Gutzke (Info) University of Memphis development, phenotypic plasticity aapierce 2007‑05‑26
Romey Haberle (Info) UT Austin jansenrk 2018‑05‑24
Rosemarie C. Haberle (Info) UT Austin Plant Systematics and Evolution pq 2015‑11‑08
Kenneth M. Halanych (Info) Auburn University Phylogenetics, invertebrate biology hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Alexander S. Hall (Info) University of Texas at Arlington Hybrid Systematics, Speciation, Behavioural Ecology, Population Genetics allopatry 2015‑11‑02
Ricky L. Hammer (Info) Texas A & M Systematic Biology, Evolution and Development Biology pq 2016‑05‑12
Amy J. Hammett (Info) Texas A & M Microbiology Biology, Plant Pathology Agriculture pq 2016‑05‑13
Anne K. Hansen (Info) UT Austin Plant Systematics and Evolution pq 2015‑11‑08
William R. Harcombe (Info) UT Austin Evolutionary Biology pq 2015‑11‑06
April D. Harlin (Info) Texas A & M Evolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics, Mammalogy pq 2015‑10‑26
Kaya Harper (Info) Texas A & M KayaHarper 2024‑05‑13
Daniel Thomas Haydon (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑10‑31
Louise Hayes (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2023‑11‑22
Tracy A. Heath (Info) Iowa State, UC Berkeley, University of Kansas, UT Austin phylogenetics jembrown 2010‑08‑27
Shannon M. Hedtke (Info) Cornell Molecular evolution, phylogenetics hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Nancy A. Heger (Info) UT Austin pq 2015‑11‑14
Richard H. Heineman (Info) UT Austin Evolutionary Biology pq 2015‑11‑06
Dione M. Helfgott (Info) UT Austin pq 2016‑01‑01
Alice L. Hempel (Info) Texas A&M-Kingsville Botany, Ecology, Evolution alhempel 2014‑02‑22
Fred Samuel Hendricks (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2023‑11‑22
Raymond Peter Henry (Info) Auburn University muddynat 2024‑07‑15
John M. Heraty (Info) UC Riverside rlm 2019‑02‑02
Jose Fabio Heredia-Cano (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑04
John S. Heywood (Info) Missouri State University schlicht17 2010‑08‑27
Toby J. Hibbitts (Info) University of the Witwatersrand muddynat 2024‑02‑08
Laura A. Higgins (Info) UT Austin pq 2015‑10‑04
David M. Hillis (Info) UT Austin, University of Miami phylogenetics, molecular evolution, computational biology jembrown 2010‑08‑27
Carl E Hjelmen (Info) Texas A & M, Texas A & M, Utah Valley University Genome Size, Genetics, Drosophila, Entomology, Genome Evolution cehjelmen 2019‑11‑21
Wendy L. Hodges (Info) UT Austin pq 2015‑11‑14
Hans A. Hofmann (Info) University of Texas Behavioral and evolutionary genomics, behavioral endocrinology, neuroethology daph 2005‑10‑23
Kristina K. Holder (Info) UT Austin Evolutionary Biology pq 2015‑11‑06
Mark T. Holder (Info) University of Kansas Phylogenetics trayc7 2011‑05‑11
Alisha K. Holloway (Info) UCSF Molecular evolution, computational biology hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Rodney L. Honeycutt (Info) Texas A & M, Pepperdine University Evolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics, Mammalogy dewoody 2010‑08‑27
Ryan M. Huebinger (Info) Texas A & M Genetics, Oceanography Biology pq 2016‑05‑29
John P. Huelsenbeck (Info) UC Berkeley phylogenetics jembrown 2010‑08‑27
Raymond Brunson Huey (Info) University of Washington Evolutionary physiology jandrsn1 2010‑09‑20
Devon Humphreys (Info) UT Austin hillisdm 2018‑09‑19
Don Hunsaker, II (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑04
Mohamed A Ibrahim (Info) Texas A & M gatr 2024‑04‑25
Coleman Sheehy, III (Info) University of Texas - Arlington allopatry 2015‑11‑02
Thomas M. Iliffe (Info) Texas A&M University at Galveston, Retired caves, ecology, biodiversiy, evolution, conservation, anchialine iliffet 2015‑09‑18
Colleen M. Ingram (Info) Texas A & M Evolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics, Mammalogy pq 2015‑10‑26
Travis Ingram (Info) University of Otago adaptive radiation, food web ecology ingram 2011‑02‑23
Anitha Isaiah (Info) Texas A & M Microbiome, Anaerobes, Bile acids, Gut microbiota November13 2018‑02‑15
Hajdi Isufi (Info) UT Arlington Physics Hajdi123 2024‑06‑24
John J. Jacisin (Info) University of Oregon Nfamoso 2016‑08‑15
Illiam S. C. Jackson (Info) UT Austin, Lund University, Uppsala evolutionary biology, evolutionary theory, morphometrics, stratophenetics evolutionarytheory 2019‑04‑07
David L. Jameson (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑05
John P. Janovec (Info) Texas A & M Botany Biology pq 2016‑05‑12
Robert K Jansen (Info) UT Austin Plant Systematics and Evolution, Comparative Genomics, Plastid genome evolution guisinmm 2011‑11‑09
Christopher N. Jass (Info) UT Austin pq 2015‑10‑04
William R. Jeffery (Info) University of Maryland Evolution of Development WilliamJeffery 2013‑09‑10
William B. Jennings (Info) UT Austin pq 2015‑11‑14
Yuexin Jiang (Info) UT Austin danbolnick 2010‑08‑27
Jerry Douglas Johnson (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2023‑11‑22
Seth J. Johnson (Info) Louisiana State liquidanbar 2019‑01‑31
J. Spencer Johnston (Info) Texas A & M cehjelmen 2019‑11‑21
Adam G. Jones (Info) Texas A & M kmobley 2010‑08‑31
Michelle M Jonika (Info) Texas A & M Evolutionary Biology, Computational Biology, Genetics, Genomics Michelle19 2019‑09‑29
Sarah B. Joseph (Info) UT Austin pq 2015‑10‑04
Manda Clair Jost (Info) Western New Mexico University phylogenetics, parallel evolution, insects and other inverts hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Tom Juenger (Info) UT Austin plant phenotypic evolution rsbaucom 2010‑08‑28
James R. Justus (Info) UT Austin Philosophy, Ecology Biology pq 2016‑01‑28
Maryska Kaczmarek (Info) UT Austin nrmeyerson 2015‑07‑14
Andrew C. Kasner (Info) Texas A & M Ornithology pq 2015‑11‑08
Thomas C. Kaufman (Info) Indiana University Bloomington genetic basis of development Dietrich 2008‑04‑17
Timothy H. Keitt (Info) UT Austin Ecology, Biostatistics pq 2016‑01‑21
Thomas E. Keller (Info) clauswilke 2014‑01‑25
Katrin Kellner (Info) University of Texas at Tyler umueller 2016‑05‑26
Melissa Kemp (Info) UT Austin lizhadly 2017‑04‑28
Joseph Patrick Kennedy (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑05
Kevin Kennedy (Info) namark 2011‑11‑14
Chelsey Arthur Ketchersid (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2023‑11‑22
iskandar kholmanov (Info) UT Austin nimadabidian 2017‑05‑12
Kristina K. Kichler (Info) University of Kansas Population Genetics, Experimental Evolution hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Hyi-Gyung Kim (Info) UT Austin jansenrk 2018‑05‑24
Youngdong Kim (Info) UT Austin jansenrk 2018‑05‑24
Abigail A Kimmitt (Info) Texas A & M Behavioral Ecology, Evolution, Molecular Biology, Neuroendocrinology, Speciation akimmitt 2021‑05‑13
Mark Kirkpatrick (Info) UT Austin massol 2013‑09‑15
Wesley A Kirpach (Info) Texas A&M - Galveston Marine biology Wkirpach 2018‑08‑28
David Alan Kizirian (Info) UT El Paso muddynat 2024‑01‑18
Christopher P. Kofron (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2023‑11‑22
Anke Konrad (Info) University of Wyoming molecular evolution, comparative genomics, bioinformatics pq 2015‑10‑26
Alie P. Koroma (Info) UT Arlington Herpetology, systematics pq 2015‑11‑11
Jean K. Krejca (Info) Zara Environmental Endangered species, conservation hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
George Martin Krise, Jr. (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2024‑07‑25
Marcus R. Kronforst (Info) UT Austin Butterflies, mimicry, speciation, genomics eratosignis 2014‑02‑21
Krushnamegh J. Kunte (Info) UT Austin Coevolution, mimicry pq 2015‑11‑16
Brandi L. Kutil (Info) Texas A & M Genetics, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑05‑13
Su J. Kwak (Info) Texas A & M Genetics, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑05‑15
Charles (Chuck) H. Langley (Info) UC Davis Population genetics and molecular evolution. Dietrich 2008‑04‑17
Wann L. Langston (Info) University of Texas cabrochu1 2018‑08‑28
Jeekin Lau (Info) Texas A & M ORL 2024‑07‑16
On Lee Lau (Info) ? danbolnick 2010‑08‑27
Harold Emerson Laughlin (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑05
Pablo A. Lavin-Murcio (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2023‑11‑22
Anna Michelle Lawing (Info) Texas A & M Vertebrate evolution, herpetology, climate change biology pdpolly 2010‑11‑23
Douglas A. Lawson (Info) UT Austin paleochick 2018‑08‑28
Daniel Jacob Leavitt (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2024‑01‑26
David Ledesma (Info) UT Austin mekemp 2019‑04‑11
Mathew Leibold (Info) UT Austin community ecology lwhite 2009‑11‑07
Alan R. Lemmon (Info) Florida State phylogenetics, phylogeography, genomics, speciation jembrown 2010‑08‑27
Gabor Lendvai (Info) UT Austin Plant evolution, ecology, systematics pq 2015‑10‑26
Joe Leverich (Info) St. Louis University evolution of plant populations schlicht17 2010‑08‑27
Donald A. Levin (Info) UT Austin Plant evolution, ecology, systematics Ellstrand 2010‑08‑25
Michael Lewis (Info) Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi pvzimba 2019‑11‑26
Benjamin Liebeskind (Info) University of Texas Evolution of ion channels hillisdm 2011‑11‑09
Jessica E. Light (Info) Texas A & M Mammal systematics namark 2011‑11‑14
Randy Linder (Info) UT Austin jschmitt 2011‑09‑05
Hague Leland Lindsay, Jr. (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑05
Murray John Littlejohn (Info) University of Melbourne Speciation; Frogs; Frog calls garry.jolley-rogers 2008‑08‑17
Liang-Li Liu (Info) Texas A & M Ornithology pq 2015‑11‑08
Nicolas Loeuille (Info) Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France massol 2013‑09‑15
Charles R. Long (Info) Texas A & M capa 2018‑09‑11
Jack Longino (Info) UT Austin Entomology ellesig 2014‑05‑19
Dennis Loockerman (Info) UT Austin jansenrk 2018‑05‑23
Christian López (Info) UT Austin GJDury 2023‑01‑27
Hernán López-Fernández (Info) Texas A & M, Royal Ontario Museum, University of Michigan Evolutionary Ecology, Phylogenetics, Ichthyology, Macroevolution pq 2015‑10‑26
John T. Lovell (Info) UT Austin Ecological Genetics jtlovell 2014‑10‑08
Bobbi Stiers Low (Info) University of Michigan david 2015‑12‑07
Yi-Jyun Luo (Info) Academia Sinica, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Harvard, UT Austin, Oxford, Academia Sinica Evolution, Developmental Biology, Genomics, Symbiosis lockeyj 2019‑08‑14
Katie Lyons (Info) UT Austin Evolution hillisdm 2013‑07‑26
Daina Ma (Info) UT Arlington pq 2015‑11‑11
Martha M. Maas (Info) UT Austin pq 2015‑11‑10
Barbara K. Mable (Info) University of Glasgow Molecular evolution, population genetics hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
John Gilman Mackin (Info) UIUC muddynat 2024‑07‑19
M.J. Madison-Villar (Info) UT Arlington Herpetology, systematics pq 2015‑11‑11
Ali M. Maga (Info) UT Austin pq 2015‑10‑04
Meredith Jean Mahoney (Info) Illinois State University Herpetology, systematics hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Robert A. Makowsky (Info) UT Arlington Herpetology, systematics pq 2015‑11‑11
James LB Mallet (Info) Mississippi State University, UCL, Harvard Butterflies, mimicry, speciation, genomics cjiggins 2014‑02‑03
Catherine L. Malone (Info) Texas A & M Evolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics, Mammalogy pq 2015‑10‑26
James Manhart (Info) Texas A & M Systematic Biology, Evolution and Development Biology pq 2016‑05‑12
Elizabeth Ann Marchio (Info) Southeastern Louisiana University muddynat 2024‑02‑01
Adam D. Marsh (Info) UT Austin saurian55 2018‑08‑29
Diane L. Marshall (Info) Univ. of New Mexico schlicht17 2010‑08‑27
Thomas L. Marshall (Info) UT Austin hybrid zones, speciation, mitonuclear interactions, herpetology tlmarshall 2018‑09‑19
Jeff M. Martin (Info) South Dakota State University, South Dakota State University Bison Biology, Wildlife Sciences, Conservation Paleobiology bizonboy 2013‑09‑03
William Forest Martin (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑05
Mark Q. Martindale (Info) University of Hawaii developmental evolution jrfinnerty 2010‑08‑27
Rowan C. Martindale (Info) USC Geobiology, Paleoecology, Paleontology pq 2016‑04‑07
Robert T. Mason (Info) Oregon State jm 2006‑12‑18
Francois Massol (Info) IRSTEA, UT Austin, CNRS, CNRS, CNRS evolutionary ecology, dispersal, network massol 2013‑09‑14
Mariana Mateos (Info) Texas A & M nmoran 2014‑02‑22
Charles Michael Mather (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2024‑02‑10
Kathy Gould Mathews (Info) UT Austin jansenrk 2018‑05‑24
Cole W. Matson (Info) Texas A & M Toxicology, Genetics, Ecology Biology, Environmental Sciences pq 2016‑05‑29
Mikhail V Matz (Info) UT Austin Ecological genomics, Coral biology, Adaptation, Climate change morozll 2009‑03‑13
Ann B. Mayo (Info) Tarrant County College myrmecology, ecology, Pogonomyrmex, behavioral ecology annbmayo 2011‑06‑18
Karen McBee (Info) Oklahoma State University rspfau 2016‑12‑18
Malcolm L McCallum (Info) Southwestern Illinois Community College, Metropolitan Community College East St. Louis, IL), Mckendree College, National Louis University, MidAmerica Aquacenter, Arkansas State University, LSU Shreveport, Texas A&M University Texarkana, Oceania University of Medicine, University of Missouri at Kansas City, University of Illinois at Springfield, Green Mountain College, Langston University Herpetology, ecology, ecotoxicology, conservation ecology, life history, natural history, evolution, behavior, conservation culturomics Frogmanatbac 2021‑06‑10
Wardlow Howard McCarley (Info) Austin College Mammalogy joseph79maness 2012‑03‑01
John R. McCarrey (Info) UT San Antonio Evolution and Development Biology, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics Biology pq 2016‑05‑18
Gabriel McDanield (Info) University of Texas at Tyler eboshers 2023‑10‑17
Quinn S. McFrederick (Info) UT Austin Evolutionary biology, melittology qsm 2011‑05‑14
Jimmy A. McGuire (Info) UC Berkeley Herpetology, ornithology, systematics hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Ronald Ray McKown (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑05
Emily Jane McTavish (Info) University of Kansas Computational biology, genomic evolution, phylogeography hillisdm 2011‑11‑09
William Ross Meacham (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑05
James G. Mead (Info) UT Austin paleochick 2018‑08‑28
Raul F. Medina (Info) Texas A & M Evolution and Development Biology, Entomology Biology, Parasitology Biology pq 2016‑05‑12
Robert Melde (Info) University of Toronto austin.t.daigle 2023‑05‑27
Joseph R. Mendelson, III (Info) Utah State University Zoology Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics pq 2016‑07‑03
Sharon L. Messenger (Info) LLNL Mammalogy, viral evolution hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Heidi M. Meudt (Info) UT Austin pq 2016‑01‑01
Nicholas R. Meyerson (Info) UT Austin Evolutionary Virology hillisdm 2013‑07‑25
Ted Corneille Michaud (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑05
Richard Elton Miller (Info) Southeastern Louisiana University mrausher 2021‑08‑21
Bonny B. Millimaki (Info) Texas A & M Human Development, Genetics, Zoology Biology, Cell Biology pq 2016‑05‑15
William W. Milstead (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑05
Kenyon B. Mobley (Info) Umeå University sexual selection, mating systems, population genetics, fishes kmobley 2010‑08‑31
Ralph E. Molnar (Info) UT Austin paleochick 2018‑08‑28
Michael Moore (Info) UT Austin jansenrk 2018‑05‑24
José Manuel Mora (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2024‑02‑10
Nancy A. Moran (Info) UT Austin Symbiosis; Genomics; Evolutionary Biology; metagenomics; metabolism emjanson 2010‑08‑27
Arnulfo Moreno-Valdez (Info) Texas A & M Evolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics, Mammalogy pq 2015‑10‑26
Matthew Morgan (Info) CSIRO Australia Phylogenetics, phylogenomics hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Emily C. Moriarty (Info) Florida State Herpetology, speciation hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Lydia Morley (Info) Texas A & M ksanbonmatsu 2021‑03‑22
Leonid L. Moroz (Info) UF Gainesville Genomics, neural circuits, Aplysia, Lymnaea, Pleurobranchaea, Tritonia, neuropeptides, NMDA, behavior, evolution, invertebrate, mollusca morozll 2009‑03‑13
Molly Moroz (Info) UT Austin mekemp 2019‑04‑11
Zachary S Morris (Info) Yale, Harvard, UT Austin Evolutionary Biology, Paleontology, Developmental Biology, evo-devo zsmorris 2022‑07‑21
Ulrich G. Mueller (Info) UT Austin Evolution, Symbiosis, Microbial Ecology, Population Biology, Behavior umueller 2016‑05‑26
Amber N. Mull (Info) UT San Antonio Cell Biology, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑05‑18
Patricia A. Murphey (Info) UT San Antonio General Biology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑05‑18
Lyndon K. Murray (Info) UT Austin pq 2015‑10‑04
Masatoshi Nei (Info) UT Houston, Penn State evolutionary biology ogrady 2008‑05‑09
Craig Eugene Nelson (Info) Indiana University Bloomington reproduction fjanzen 2010‑08‑27
David Nichols (Info) University of Texas at Arlington aking 2018‑11‑15
Zachary Lamar Nikolakis (Info) Southeastern Louisiana University muddynat 2024‑07‑19
Kevin C. Nixon (Info) Cornell YFranchescoMH 2012‑12‑25
Brice P. Noonan (Info) UT Arlington Herpetology, systematics pq 2015‑11‑11
Kyle O'Connell (Info) University of Texas at Arlington allopatry 2015‑11‑02
Eamon B. O'Dea (Info) clauswilke 2014‑01‑25
Joshua A. Osborne (Info) University of Texas at Arlington aking 2019‑08‑22
Daniel Osorio (Info) Texas A & M jamesjcai 2022‑03‑22
Clair R. Ossian (Info) UT Austin paleochick 2018‑08‑28
John D. Oswald (Info) Texas A & M insect systematics, insect collections john.oswald 2019‑02‑01
Daniel Otte (Info) Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia Entomology kjudge 2010‑09‑20
Pamela R. Owen (Info) UT Austin Vertebrate paleontology pq 2015‑11‑04
John K. Pace (Info) University of Texas Arlington cfeschotte 2019‑11‑21
Kimberly A. Paczolt (Info) Texas A & M pq 2015‑10‑28
Mahesh Padanad (Info) Texas A & M Human Development, Genetics, Molecular Biology pq 2016‑05‑15
Joanna M. Padolina (Info) UT Austin pq 2016‑01‑01
Jose Panero (Info) UT Austin jansenrk 2018‑05‑24
Jelena H. Pantel (Info) KU Leuven massol 2013‑09‑15
Christine E. Parent (Info) University of Idaho Evolution, Speciation, Adaptation, Islands, Biogeography danbolnick 2010‑08‑27
William G. Parker (Info) Petrified Forest National Park Vertebrate Paleontology, biostratigraphy saurian55 2015‑02‑17
Peter Parks (Info) UT Austin paleochick 2018‑08‑28
Camille Parmesan (Info) UT Austin danlwarren 2014‑02‑22
Walter C. Parrish (Info) UT Austin paleochick 2018‑08‑28
Charlyn G. Partridge (Info) Texas A & M pq 2015‑10‑28
Jeff Paull (Info) N.C. State danbolnick 2010‑08‑27
Gregory B. Pauly (Info) UC Davis herpetology, phylogenetics, phylogeography jembrown 2010‑08‑27
Gad Perry (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑10‑31
David Pettus (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑05
David Pfennig (Info) UNC Chapel Hill Harper 2010‑08‑30
Bryan T. Phillips (Info) Texas A & M Genetics, Animal Physiology Biology pq 2016‑05‑15
Eric Rodger Pianka (Info) UT Austin vashino 2012‑10‑02
Jack Robert Pierce (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑05
Carlos Adres Pinzon (Info) UT Southwestern Genome Editing capa 2018‑09‑11
Jeffrey G. Pittman (Info) UT Austin paleochick 2018‑08‑28
Stephen J. Poe (Info) UT Austin phylogenetics, molecular evolution, computational biology pq 2015‑10‑26
Steve Poe (Info) Univ. of New Mexico Herpetology, systematics hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Steven J. Poe (Info) Univ. of New Mexico, UT Austin muddynat 2024‑03‑01
David D. Pollock (Info) CU Boulder Theoretical and experimental evolution brunowj 2010‑11‑02
P. David Polly (Info) Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, Indiana University Bloomington Vertebrate paleontology, mammal evolution, phenotypic evolution, climate change biology, ecometrics pdpolly 2010‑11‑23
Kenneth Raymond Porter (Info) Oregon State muddynat 2023‑10‑15
Daniel Portik (Info) University of Arizona Evolutionary Biology dportik 2018‑09‑19
George Edwin Potter (Info) University of Iowa muddynat 2023‑11‑19
Rebecca Marie Proni (Info) University of Texas at Arlington aking 2018‑11‑15
Glenn A. Proudfoot (Info) Texas A & M, Vassar Ecology, Evolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics pq 2015‑10‑26
Diogo B. Provete (Info) Universidade Federal de São Carlos, SP, Brazil, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, MS, Brazil, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) ecology, herpetology, evolutionary biology diogoprov 2016‑11‑29
Jonathan B. Puritz (Info) University of Rhode Island, Northeastern University, Texas A&M Corpus Christi, University of Hawai'i at Manoa Population Genomics, Molecular Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology jpuritz 2009‑11‑17
Jerry Lee Putnam (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2023‑11‑22
William F. Pyburn (Info) University of Texas at Arlington Herpetology jacoborv 2013‑07‑05
Erik Quandt (Info) UT Austin ZacharyBlount 2020‑02‑18
Taylor Sultan Quedensley (Info) UT Austin jansenrk 2018‑05‑24
Ray Richard Radtkey (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑10‑31
Dennis Barry Ralin (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑06
Lakshmikantan Ramakrishnan (Info) UT Austin pq 2015‑11‑14
Juliana Rangel Posada (Info) Cornell pq 2015‑12‑04
Nicholas L. Ratterman (Info) Texas A & M pq 2015‑10‑28
Mark Rausher (Info) Duke Meisel 2008‑08‑06
Zena Rawandoozi (Info) Texas A & M ORL 2024‑07‑16
Tod W. Reeder (Info) San Diego State University Herpetology, systematics hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
William Glase Reeder (Info) University of Michigan, UW Madison, UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑19
Jay R. Reichman (Info) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Coral reef biology hillisdm 2011‑06‑07
Beth A. Reinke (Info) Dartmouth visual signaling, aquatic ecology, evolutionary ecology pdpolly 2010‑11‑23
Jacobo Reyes-Velasco (Info) University of Texas at Arlington Herpetology jacoborv 2013‑07‑05
Matthew Richards-Perhatch (Info) University of Texas at Tyler eboshers 2023‑10‑17
Breann M. S. Richey (Info) Texas A & M invasion biology, anthropogenic impacts, animal behavior brichey 2021‑10‑25
Jimmy Daren Riedle (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2024‑01‑01
Oscar Riera-Lizarazu (Info) Intl. Maize and Wheat Improv. Center (CIMMYT), Oregon State, Intl. Crops Res. Inst. for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Dow AgroSciences, Corteva Agriscience, Texas A & M, UMN Plant Genetics and Breeding ORL 2022‑08‑01
Bruce B. Riley (Info) Texas A & M Evolution and Development Biology, Neuroscience Biology pq 2016‑05‑14
Danielle Rivera (Info) UT Arlington allopatry 2015‑11‑02
Carlos V. Rivero-Blanco (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2024‑02‑10
Douglas Clark Robinson (Info) Texas A & M muddynat 2024‑01‑04
Brianna Rock (Info) Texas A&M - Corpus Christi damalichthys 2024‑05‑20
Kristen Rodda (Info) UT Austin csuttle 2017‑02‑07
Corey E. Roelke (Info) UT Arlington Herpetology pq 2015‑10‑02
James Samuel Rogers (Info) UT Austin muddynat 2024‑01‑06
Albert Romkes (Info) South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Computational and Applied Mechanics and Mathematics aromkes 2021‑06‑21
Rachel Romo (Info) University of Texas at Tyler eboshers 2023‑10‑20
Ophelie Ronce (Info) ISEM, Montpellier, France massol 2013‑09‑15
Chase Rowan (Info) University of Texas at Tyler eboshers 2023‑10‑20
Diane L. Rowe (Info) Texas A & M Evolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics, Mammalogy pq 2015‑10‑26
Timothy B. Rowe (Info) UT Austin Vertebrate paleontology pdpolly 2010‑11‑23
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