Similar researchers to Alfred U'Ren: Advanced Search
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Alfred B. U'Ren (Info) Rochester (Neurotree) Quantum Information, Quantum Optics, Quantum Control and Ultrafast Science pq 2015‑10‑11
Claudio Basilico (Info) NYU School of Medicine (Microtree) jandh 2019‑03‑15 Sim(0.14)
Emmett M Larsen (Info) SUNY Stony Brook (PsychTree) emtlarsen 2020‑10‑15 Sim(0.15)
Kelly Evelyn Knight (Info) CU Boulder (SocTree) jandh 2017‑07‑30 Sim(0.15)
Rolf Mewe (Info) SRON (Astronomy Tree) X-ray spectroscopy jandh 2017‑01‑18 Sim(0.16)
Alireza Shabani (Info) UC Berkeley (Physics Tree) Quantum Physics, Quantum Control shabani 2013‑02‑06 Sim(0.17)
Ivan Kassal (Info) University of Sydney (Physics Tree) Chemical physics, Excitonics, Organic electronics, Quantum simulation, Photosynthesis caboolture 2013‑01‑21 Sim(0.18)
Alan Sher (Info) NIAID, NIH (ID Tree) abafica 2020‑10‑22 Sim(0.18)
William D. Phillips (Info) University of Maryland (Physics Tree) aephraim 2013‑02‑02 Sim(0.18)
Ian Alexander Walmsley (Info) Oxford (Neurotree) Quantum Information, Quantum Optics, Quantum Control and Ultrafast Science manuelastico 2007‑10‑16 Sim(0.18)
William F. Harlow (Info) Texas A & M (PoliSci Tree) Speech Communication, International Law and Relations, United States History pq 2016‑05‑18 Sim(0.18)
Carolus (Karel) Josephus Schrijver (Info) Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory (Astronomy Tree) Solar physics jandh 2017‑01‑18 Sim(0.19)
Ressa S. Said (Info) University of Ulm (Physics Tree) Quantum information processing rsaid 2013‑01‑21 Sim(0.2)
Jed C. Macosko (Info) Wake Forest (Physics Tree) General Biophysics, Nanoscience, Condensed Matter Physics pq 2016‑03‑21 Sim(0.2)
Hyochul Kim (Info) UC Santa Barbara (Physics Tree) Condensed Matter Experimental Physics pq 2016‑01‑14 Sim(0.2)
Paul G. Kwiat (Info) UC Berkeley (Physics Tree) caboolture 2013‑01‑21 Sim(0.21)
Tim Kroon (Info) VU Amsterdam (Neurotree) Development, Prefrontal Cortex, Intellectual Disability, Interneurons timkroon 2016‑10‑02 Sim(0.21)
Théo Desbordes (Info) CEA (Neurotree) sam.clarck 2022‑11‑01 Sim(0.21)
Dave Ward (Info) Edinburgh (Philosophy Tree) JoeDewhurst 2020‑12‑12 Sim(0.22)
Leo Lue (Info) University of Strathclyde (E-Tree) Chemical Engineering leo.lue 2017‑08‑16 Sim(0.22)
Xiaohong Zhu (Info) Weizmann Institute (Plant Biology Tree) brianalarkins 2020‑07‑25 Sim(0.22)
Sanjit Karmakar (Info) UMBC (Physics Tree) Optics Physics, Quantum Physics pq 2016‑03‑22 Sim(0.22)
Jun Ye (Info) CU Boulder (Physics Tree) Optical metrology, Quantum optics kyung114 2013‑04‑21 Sim(0.23)
Pablo S. Londero (Info) Rochester (Neurotree) Quantum Information, Quantum Optics, Quantum Control and Ultrafast Science pq 2015‑10‑11 Sim(0.23)
Matthew A. Broome (Info) University of Queensland (Physics Tree) caboolture 2013‑01‑21 Sim(0.23)
Paul T. Macklin (Info) UC Irvine (MathTree) Mathematics, Oncology pq 2017‑05‑12 Sim(0.23)
Israel Jospeh Katz (Info) Columbia (Music Tree) 2017‑08‑01 Sim(0.24)
YanJuan Xiong (Info) University of Calgary (Physics Tree) Quantum Networking, Quantum information Jacode 2018‑11‑30 Sim(0.24)
Qiang(Eric) Shao (Info) USC (Neurotree) developmental neurobiology, microcephaly, Zika virus Ericshao 2017‑10‑16 Sim(0.24)
Matthew T. Rakher (Info) UC Santa Barbara (Physics Tree) Condensed Matter Experimental Physics pq 2016‑01‑14 Sim(0.24)
Jeremy Fensch (Info) University Paris Sorbonne (Physics Tree) vcharmandaris 2018‑12‑30 Sim(0.25)
Georges Leroy (Info) Université de Louvain (Chemistry Tree) cornild 2019‑04‑22 Sim(0.25)
Richard J. Hughes (Info) University of Liverpool (Physics Tree) caboolture 2013‑01‑21 Sim(0.26)
Marcel Falkiewicz (Info) Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany (Neurotree) neuroscience mfalkiewicz 2017‑11‑10 Sim(0.26)
Henk Pretorius (Info) (PsychTree) colin.tredoux 2019‑04‑30 Sim(0.26)
Kim Owen (Info) University of Calgary (Physics Tree) Jacode 2018‑11‑30 Sim(0.26)
Eytan Grosfeld (Info) UIUC (Physics Tree) efradkin 2019‑04‑22 Sim(0.27)
Kebei Jiang (Info) Louisiana State University Baton Rouge (Physics Tree) Quantum Optics kebei.jiang 2020‑06‑29 Sim(0.27)
ChungHoon Lee (Info) UW Madison (E-Tree) Bendavaji 2019‑08‑16 Sim(0.28)
Aaron J. Roodman (Info) Stanford (Physics Tree) Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics pq 2016‑05‑31 Sim(0.28)
Michal Biler (Info) Uppsala (Chemistry Tree) SKamerlin 2020‑01‑25 Sim(0.28)
Zoltán Toroczkai (Info) Notre Dame (Physics Tree) Condensed Matter Physics, Alternative Energy pq 2016‑06‑06 Sim(0.28)
Marcelo P. Almeida (Info) Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Physics Tree) caboolture 2013‑01‑21 Sim(0.28)
Timothy R. Andeen (Info) Northwestern (Physics Tree) Interactions of quarks and leptons, decay of weak vector bosons, high-intensity neutrino experiments, cosmological high-energy physics. pq 2016‑01‑09 Sim(0.28)
Kai-Mei C. Fu (Info) Stanford (Physics Tree) AMO Physics, Condensed Matter, Electrical Engineering, Information Sci/Tech, Laser Physics, Nano Sci/Eng, Photonics, Quantum Engineering, Quantum Information, Quantum Many-Body Physics, Quantum Optics, Statistical Physics pq 2016‑01‑03 Sim(0.29)
Christos Haldoupis (Info) University of Crete, Greece (Physics Tree) vcharmandaris 2020‑04‑07 Sim(0.29)
M. Mercedes Calbi (Info) University of Denver (Physics Tree) Miltoncole 2020‑04‑30 Sim(0.29)
Rory Crean (Info) Uppsala (Chemistry Tree) SKamerlin 2020‑01‑25 Sim(0.29)
Hannah Durand (Info) National University of Ireland, Galway (PsychTree) health psychology, behavioural medicine, treatment adherence hannahdurand 2020‑06‑23 Sim(0.29)
Rowena Green Matthews (Info) University of Michigan (Chemistry Tree) Mechanisms of B12- and folate dependent enzymes jandh 2013‑02‑11 Sim(0.29)
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