László Zsolt Garamszegi - Publications

UPMC Univ Paris 6, France 

129 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Krenhardt K, Martínez-Padilla J, Canal D, Jablonszky M, Hegyi G, Herényi M, Laczi M, Markó G, Nagy G, Rosivall B, Szász E, Szöllősi E, Török J, Vaskuti É, Zsebők S, ... Garamszegi LZ, et al. The effect of environmental variation on the relationship between survival and risk-taking behaviour in a migratory songbird. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 37: 566-576. PMID 38623610 DOI: 10.1093/jeb/voae046  0.582
2024 Jablonszky M, Canal D, Hegyi G, Herényi M, Laczi M, Markó G, Nagy G, Rosivall B, Szöllősi E, Török J, Garamszegi LZ. The estimation of additive genetic variance of body size in a wild passerine is sensitive to the method used to estimate relatedness among the individuals. Ecology and Evolution. 14: e10981. PMID 38352200 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.10981  0.529
2023 Del Mar Labrador M, Serrano D, Doña J, Aguilera E, Arroyo JL, Atiénzar F, Barba E, Bermejo A, Blanco G, Borràs A, Calleja JA, Cantó JL, Cortés V, De la Puente J, De Palacio D, ... ... Garamszegi LZ, et al. Host space, not energy or symbiont size, constrains feather mite abundance across passerine bird species. The Journal of Animal Ecology. PMID 38100230 DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.14032  0.421
2022 Jablonszky M, Canal D, Hegyi G, Krenhardt K, Laczi M, Markó G, Nagy G, Rosivall B, Szász E, Zsebők S, Garamszegi LZ. Individual differences in song plasticity in response to social stimuli and singing position. Ecology and Evolution. 12: e8883. PMID 35509613 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.8883  0.31
2022 Canal D, Garamszegi LZ, Rodriguez-Exposito E, Garcia-Gonzalez F. Experimental evolution reveals differential evolutionary trajectories in male and female activity levels in response to sexual selection and metapopulation structure. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution. PMID 35483712 DOI: 10.1111/evo.14499  0.323
2021 Jablonszky M, Zsebők S, Laczi M, Nagy G, Vaskuti É, Garamszegi LZ. The effect of social environment on bird song: listener-specific expression of a sexual signal. Behavioral Ecology : Official Journal of the International Society For Behavioral Ecology. 32: 395-406. PMID 34899049 DOI: 10.1093/beheco/araa132  0.313
2021 Zsebők S, Herczeg G, Laczi M, Nagy G, Vaskuti É, Hargitai R, Hegyi G, Herényi M, Markó G, Rosivall B, Szász E, Szöllősi E, Török J, Garamszegi LZ. Sequential organization of birdsong: relationships with individual quality and fitness. Behavioral Ecology : Official Journal of the International Society For Behavioral Ecology. 32: 82-93. PMID 33708006 DOI: 10.1093/beheco/araa104  0.581
2021 Krenhardt K, Markó G, Jablonszky M, Török J, Garamszegi LZ. Sex-dependent risk-taking behaviour towards different predatory stimuli in the collared flycatcher. Behavioural Processes. 186: 104360. PMID 33609633 DOI: 10.1016/j.beproc.2021.104360  0.578
2020 Geffroy B, Sadoul B, Putman BJ, Berger-Tal O, Garamszegi LZ, Møller AP, Blumstein DT. Evolutionary dynamics in the Anthropocene: Life history and intensity of human contact shape antipredator responses. Plos Biology. 18: e3000818. PMID 32960897 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000818  0.436
2020 Garamszegi LZ, Temrin H, Kubinyi E, Miklósi Á, Kolm N. The role of common ancestry and gene flow in the evolution of human‐directed play behaviour in dogs Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 33: 318-328. PMID 31705702 DOI: 10.1111/Jeb.13567  0.356
2020 Jablonszky M, Krenhardt K, Markó G, Szász E, Hegyi G, Herényi M, Kötél D, Laczi M, Nagy G, Rosivall B, Török J, Garamszegi LZ. A behavioural trait displayed in an artificial novel environment correlates with dispersal in a wild bird Ethology. 126: 540-552. DOI: 10.1111/Eth.13005  0.631
2019 Nagy G, Garamszegi LZ, Hegyi G, Herényi M, Laczi M, Rosivall B, Szöllősi E, Török J. Digit ratio predicts the number of lifetime recruits in female collared flycatchers. Biology Letters. 15: 20190051. PMID 30890071 DOI: 10.1098/Rsbl.2019.0051  0.569
2019 Szász E, Jablonszky M, Krenhardt K, Markó G, Hegyi G, Herényi M, Laczi M, Nagy G, Rosivall B, Szöllősi E, Török J, Garamszegi LZ. Male territorial aggression and fitness in collared flycatchers: a long-term study. Die Naturwissenschaften. 106: 11. PMID 30848372 DOI: 10.1007/S00114-019-1606-0  0.64
2019 García-Longoria L, Marzal A, Lope Fd, Garamszegi LZ. Host-parasite interaction explains variation in the prevalence of avian haemosporidians at the community level. Plos One. 14. PMID 30840636 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0205624  0.314
2019 Horváth G, Garamszegi LZ, Bereczki J, Urszán TJ, Balázs G, Herczeg G. Roll with the fear: environment and state dependence of pill bug (Armadillidium vulgare) personalities Naturwissenschaften. 106: 7. PMID 30729319 DOI: 10.1007/S00114-019-1602-4  0.41
2019 Szász E, Garamszegi LZ, Rosivall B. What is behind the variation in mate quality dependent sex ratio adjustment? – A meta-analysis Oikos. 128: 1-12. DOI: 10.1111/Oik.05157  0.348
2019 Laczi M, Garamszegi LZ, Hegyi G, Herényi M, Ilyés G, Könczey R, Nagy G, Pongrácz R, Rosivall B, Szöllősi E, Tóth L, Török J. Teleconnections and local weather orchestrate the reproduction of tit species in the Carpathian Basin Journal of Avian Biology. 50. DOI: 10.1111/Jav.02179  0.569
2019 Hegyi G, Laczi M, Boross N, Jablonszky M, Kötél D, Krenhardt K, Markó G, Nagy G, Rosivall B, Szász E, Garamszegi LZ, Török J. When to measure plumage reflectance: a lesson from Collared Flycatchers Ficedula albicollis Ibis. 161: 27-34. DOI: 10.1111/Ibi.12609  0.623
2019 Garamszegi LZ. Assessing the effect of pseudoreplication when individual identities are unknown: a reply to Gratton & Mundry Animal Behaviour. 154. DOI: 10.1016/J.Anbehav.2019.05.015  0.33
2019 Hegyi G, Jenni-Eiermann S, Boross N, Garamszegi LZ, Laczi M, Kötél D, Krenhardt K, Jablonszky M, Markó G, Nagy G, Rosivall B, Szász E, Török J. Ornaments and condition: plumage patch sizes, nutritional reserve state, reserve accumulation, and reserve depletion Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 73. DOI: 10.1007/S00265-019-2701-0  0.586
2019 Szász E, Markó G, Hegyi G, Török J, Garamszegi LZ, Rosivall B. Nest-site defence aggression during courtship does not predict nestling provisioning in male collared flycatchers Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 73: 62. DOI: 10.1007/S00265-019-2672-1  0.633
2018 Urszán TJ, Garamszegi LZ, Nagy G, Hettyey A, Török J, Herczeg G. Experience during development triggers between-individual variation in behavioural plasticity. The Journal of Animal Ecology. PMID 29752882 DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.12847  0.612
2018 Garamszegi LZ, Zagalska-Neubauer M, Canal D, Blázi G, Laczi M, Nagy G, Szöllősi E, Vaskuti É, Török J, Zsebők S. MHC-mediated sexual selection on bird song: generic polymorphism, particular alleles and acoustic signals. Molecular Ecology. PMID 29693314 DOI: 10.1111/Mec.14703  0.639
2018 Soma M, Garamszegi LZ. Evolution of patterned plumage as a sexual signal in estrildid finches Behavioral Ecology. 29: 676-685. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Ary021  0.341
2018 Zsebők S, Blázi G, Laczi M, Nagy G, Vaskuti É, Garamszegi LZ. “Ficedula”: an open-source MATLAB toolbox for cutting, segmenting and computer-aided clustering of bird song Journal of Ornithology. 159: 1105-1111. DOI: 10.1007/S10336-018-1581-9  0.324
2018 Zsebők S, Herczeg G, Blázi G, Laczi M, Nagy G, Török J, Garamszegi LZ. Minimum spanning tree as a new, robust repertoire size comparison method: simulation and test on birdsong Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 72: 48. DOI: 10.1007/S00265-018-2467-9  0.599
2018 Sol D, Maspons J, Gonzalez-Voyer A, Morales-Castilla I, Garamszegi LZ, Møller AP. Risk-taking behavior, urbanization and the pace of life in birds Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 72: 1-9. DOI: 10.1007/S00265-018-2463-0  0.494
2018 Jablonszky M, Szász E, Krenhardt K, Markó G, Hegyi G, Herényi M, Laczi M, Nagy G, Rosivall B, Szöllősi E, Török J, Garamszegi LZ. Unravelling the relationships between life history, behaviour and condition under the pace-of-life syndromes hypothesis using long-term data from a wild bird Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 72: 52. DOI: 10.1007/S00265-018-2461-2  0.624
2017 Horváth G, Mészáros B, Urszán TJ, Bajer K, Molnár O, Garamszegi LZ, Herczeg G. Environment-dependence of behavioural consistency in adult male European green lizards (Lacerta viridis). Plos One. 12. PMID 29112964 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0187657  0.406
2017 Garamszegi LZ, Møller AP. Partitioning within-species variance in behaviour to within- and between-population components for understanding evolution Ecology Letters. 20: 599-608. PMID 28349624 DOI: 10.1111/Ele.12758  0.508
2017 Senar JC, Garamszegi LZ, Tilgar V, Biard C, Moreno-Rueda G, Salmón P, Rivas JM, Sprau P, Dingemanse NJ, Charmantier A, Demeyrier V, Navalpotro H, Isaksson C. Urban Great Tits (Parus major) Show Higher Distress Calling and Pecking Rates than Rural Birds across Europe Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 5. DOI: 10.3389/Fevo.2017.00163  0.685
2017 Allegue H, Araya-Ajoy YG, Dingemanse NJ, Dochtermann NA, Garamszegi LZ, Nakagawa S, Réale D, Schielzeth H, Westneat DF. Statistical Quantification of Individual Differences (SQuID): An educational and statistical tool for understanding multilevel phenotypic data in linear mixed models Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 8: 257-267. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12659  0.33
2017 Zsebők S, Herczeg G, Blázi G, Laczi M, Nagy G, Szász E, Markó G, Török J, Garamszegi LZ. Short- and long-term repeatability and pseudo-repeatability of bird song: sensitivity of signals to varying environments Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 71: 154. DOI: 10.1007/S00265-017-2379-0  0.633
2017 Jablonszky M, Szász E, Markó G, Török J, Herczeg G, Garamszegi LZ. Escape ability and risk-taking behaviour in a Hungarian population of the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis) Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 71: 54. DOI: 10.1007/S00265-017-2276-6  0.621
2017 Horváth G, Martín J, López P, Garamszegi LZ, Herczeg G. Food and vitamin D3 availability affects lizard personalities: an experiment Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 71: 27. DOI: 10.1007/S00265-016-2257-1  0.356
2016 Winternitz J, Abbate JL, Huchard E, Havlíček J, Garamszegi LZ. Patterns of MHC-dependent mate selection in humans and nonhuman primates: a meta-analysis. Molecular Ecology. 26: 668-688. PMID 27859823 DOI: 10.1111/Mec.13920  0.408
2016 Szöllősi E, Garamszegi LZ, Hegyi G, Laczi M, Rosivall B, Török J. Haemoproteus infection status of collared flycatcher males changes within a breeding season. Parasitology Research. 115: 4663-4672. PMID 27672075 DOI: 10.1007/S00436-016-5258-0  0.564
2016 Sandel AA, Miller JA, Mitani JC, Nunn CL, Patterson SK, Garamszegi LZ. Assessing sources of error in comparative analyses of primate behavior: Intraspecific variation in group size and the social brain hypothesis. Journal of Human Evolution. 94: 126-33. PMID 27178464 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jhevol.2016.03.007  0.371
2016 Krenhardt K, Markó G, Szász E, Jablonszky M, Zsebők S, Török J, Garamszegi LZ. A test on within-individual changes in risk-taking behaviour due to experience to predation in the Collared Flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis) Ornis Hungarica. 24: 115-127. DOI: 10.1515/Orhu-2016-0007  0.572
2016 Horváth G, Martín J, López P, Garamszegi LZ, Bertók P, Herczeg G. Blood Parasite Infection Intensity Covaries with Risk-Taking Personality in Male Carpetan Rock Lizards (Iberolacerta cyreni) Ethology. 122: 355-363. DOI: 10.1111/Eth.12475  0.372
2016 Garamszegi LZ. When limited availability of data meets with a thorough meta-analysis: a comment on Moore et al. Behavioral Ecology. 27: 375-375. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Arv239  0.403
2016 Garamszegi LZ. A simple statistical guide for the analysis of behaviour when data are constrained due to practical or ethical reasons Animal Behaviour. 120: 223-234. DOI: 10.1016/J.Anbehav.2015.11.009  0.342
2015 Rubolini D, Liker A, Garamszegi LZ, Møller AP, Saino N. Using the BirdTree.org website to obtain robust phylogenies for avian comparative studies: A primer. Current Zoology. 61: 959-965. PMID 32256531 DOI: 10.1093/Czoolo/61.6.959  0.488
2015 Urszán TJ, Garamszegi LZ, Nagy G, Hettyey A, Török J, Herczeg G. No personality without experience? A test on Rana dalmatina tadpoles. Ecology and Evolution. 5: 5847-56. PMID 26811759 DOI: 10.1002/Ece3.1804  0.587
2015 Garamszegi LZ, Markó G, Szász E, Zsebők S, Azcárate M, Herczeg G, Török J. Among-year variation in the repeatability, within- and between-individual, and phenotypic correlations of behaviors in a natural population. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 69: 2005-2017. PMID 26586925 DOI: 10.1007/S00265-015-2012-Z  0.619
2015 Burri R, Nater A, Kawakami T, Mugal CF, Olason PI, Smeds L, Suh A, Dutoit L, Bureš S, Garamszegi LZ, Hogner S, Moreno J, Qvarnström A, Ružić M, Sæther SA, et al. Linked selection and recombination rate variation drive the evolution of the genomic landscape of differentiation across the speciation continuum of Ficedula flycatchers. Genome Research. 25: 1656-65. PMID 26355005 DOI: 10.1101/Gr.196485.115  0.568
2015 Smeds L, Warmuth V, Bolivar P, Uebbing S, Burri R, Suh A, Nater A, Bureš S, Garamszegi LZ, Hogner S, Moreno J, Qvarnström A, Ruži? M, Sæther SA, Sætre GP, et al. Evolutionary analysis of the female-specific avian W chromosome. Nature Communications. 6: 7330. PMID 26040272 DOI: 10.1038/Ncomms8330  0.552
2015 Urszán TJ, Török J, Hettyey A, Garamszegi LZ, Herczeg G. Behavioural consistency and life history of Rana dalmatina tadpoles. Oecologia. 178: 129-40. PMID 25656582 DOI: 10.1007/S00442-014-3207-0  0.617
2015 Bajer K, Horváth G, Molnár O, Török J, Garamszegi LZ, Herczeg G. European green lizard (Lacerta viridis) personalities: Linking behavioural types to ecologically relevant traits at different ontogenetic stages. Behavioural Processes. 111: 67-74. PMID 25475912 DOI: 10.1016/J.Beproc.2014.11.020  0.637
2015 Garamszegi LZ, Zagalska-Neubauer M, Canal D, Markó G, Szász E, Zsebők S, Szöllősi E, Herczeg G, Török J. Malaria parasites, immune challenge, MHC variability, and predator avoidance in a passerine bird Behavioral Ecology. 26: 1292-1302. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Arv077  0.619
2014 Szász E, Garamszegi LZ, Hegyi G, Szöllősi E, Markó G, Török J, Rosivall B. Aggressive behavior of the male parent predicts brood sex ratio in a songbird. Die Naturwissenschaften. 101: 653-60. PMID 24973871 DOI: 10.1007/S00114-014-1204-0  0.617
2014 Garamszegi LZ, Mueller JC, Markó G, Szász E, Zsebők S, Herczeg G, Eens M, Török J. The relationship between DRD4 polymorphisms and phenotypic correlations of behaviors in the collared flycatcher. Ecology and Evolution. 4: 1466-79. PMID 24834341 DOI: 10.1002/Ece3.1041  0.586
2014 Herényi M, Garamszegi LZ, Hargitai R, Hegyi G, Rosivall B, Szöllősi E, Török J. Laying date and polygyny as determinants of annual reproductive success in male collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis): a long-term study. Die Naturwissenschaften. 101: 305-12. PMID 24563121 DOI: 10.1007/S00114-014-1157-3  0.657
2014 García-Longoria L, Garamszegi LZ, Møller AP. Host escape behavior and blood parasite infections in birds Behavioral Ecology. 25: 890-900. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Aru066  0.482
2014 Garamszegi LZ. Female peak testosterone levels in birds tell an evolutionary story: a comment on Goymann and Wingfield Behavioral Ecology. 25: 700-701. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Aru048  0.383
2013 Møller AP, Merino S, Soler JJ, Antonov A, Badás EP, Calero-Torralbo MA, de Lope F, Eeva T, Figuerola J, Flensted-Jensen E, Garamszegi LZ, González-Braojos S, Gwinner H, Hanssen SA, Heylen D, et al. Assessing the effects of climate on host-parasite interactions: a comparative study of European birds and their parasites. Plos One. 8: e82886. PMID 24391725 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0082886  0.616
2013 Winternitz JC, Minchey SG, Garamszegi LZ, Huang S, Stephens PR, Altizer S. Sexual selection explains more functional variation in the mammalian major histocompatibility complex than parasitism. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 280: 20131605. PMID 23966643 DOI: 10.1098/Rspb.2013.1605  0.433
2013 Markó G, Azcárate M, Hegyi G, Herceg G, Laczi M, Nagy G, Señar JC, Török J, Garamszegi LZ. Behavioural responses to handling stress in the Great Tit: within-individual consistency and the effect of age, sex and body condition Ornis Hungarica. 21: 12-25. DOI: 10.2478/Orhu-2013-0012  0.639
2013 Garamszegi LZ, Markó G, Herczeg G. A meta-analysis of correlated behaviors with implications for behavioral syndromes: relationships between particular behavioral traits Behavioral Ecology. 24: 1068-1080. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Art033  0.36
2013 Garamszegi LZ, Markó G, Herczeg G. Erratum to A meta-analysis of correlated behaviours with implications for behavioural syndromes: Mean effect size, publication bias, phylogenetic effects and the role of mediator variables (Evol Ecol, (2012), 26, (1213-1235), 10.1007/s10682-012-9589-8) Evolutionary Ecology. 27: 235-236. DOI: 10.1007/S10682-012-9623-X  0.327
2012 Rifkin JL, Nunn CL, Garamszegi LZ. Do animals living in larger groups experience greater parasitism? A meta-analysis American Naturalist. 180: 70-82. PMID 22673652 DOI: 10.1086/666081  0.351
2012 Herényi M, Hegyi G, Garamszegi LZ, Hargitai R, Michl G, Rosivall B, Török J. Lifetime offspring production in relation to breeding lifespan, attractiveness, and mating status in male collared flycatchers. Oecologia. 170: 935-42. PMID 22644049 DOI: 10.1007/S00442-012-2362-4  0.681
2012 Garamszegi LZ, Zsebok S, Török J. The relationship between syllable repertoire similarity and pairing success in a passerine bird species with complex song. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 295: 68-76. PMID 22123372 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jtbi.2011.11.011  0.66
2012 Boross N, Markó G, Laczi M, Garamszegi LZ, Hegyi G, Herényi M, Kiss D, Nagy G, Rosivall B, Szöllősi E, Török J. Sources of variation in haematocrit in the Collared Flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis) Ornis Hungarica. 20: 64-72. DOI: 10.2478/Orhu-2013-0008  0.609
2012 Møller AP, Garamszegi LZ. Sexual selection, range size and population size Ornis Hungarica. 20: 1-25. DOI: 10.2478/Orhu-2013-0001  0.526
2012 Garamszegi LZ, Rosivall B, Rettenbacher S, Markó G, Zsebők S, Szöllősi E, Eens M, Potti J, Török J. Corticosterone, Avoidance of Novelty, Risk-Taking and Aggression in a Wild Bird: No Evidence for Pleiotropic Effects Ethology. 118: 621-635. DOI: 10.1111/J.1439-0310.2012.02049.X  0.622
2012 Møller AP, Garamszegi LZ. Between individual variation in risk-taking behavior and its life history consequences Behavioral Ecology. 23: 843-853. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Ars040  0.547
2012 Garamszegi LZ, Nunn CL, McCabe CM. Informatics approaches to develop dynamic meta-analyses Evolutionary Ecology. 26: 1275-1276. DOI: 10.1007/S10682-012-9592-0  0.323
2012 Garamszegi LZ, Markó G, Herczeg G. A meta-analysis of correlated behaviours with implications for behavioural syndromes: mean effect size, publication bias, phylogenetic effects and the role of mediator variables Evolutionary Ecology. 26: 1213-1235. DOI: 10.1007/S10682-012-9589-8  0.431
2012 Garamszegi LZ, Herczeg G. Behavioural syndromes, syndrome deviation and the within- and between-individual components of phenotypic correlations: When reality does not meet statistics Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 66: 1651-1658. DOI: 10.1007/S00265-012-1439-8  0.354
2012 Garamszegi LZ, Møller AP. Untested assumptions about within-species sample size and missing data in interspecific studies Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 66: 1363-1373. DOI: 10.1007/S00265-012-1370-Z  0.502
2012 Herczeg G, Garamszegi LZ. Individual deviation from behavioural correlations: a simple approach to study the evolution of behavioural syndromes Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 66: 161-169. DOI: 10.1007/S00265-011-1291-2  0.384
2012 Garamszegi LZ, Møller AP. The interspecific relationship between prevalence of blood parasites and sexual traits in birds when considering recent methodological advancements Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 66: 107-119. DOI: 10.1007/S00265-011-1259-2  0.547
2011 Szöllosi E, CichoÅ„ M, Eens M, Hasselquist D, Kempenaers B, Merino S, Nilsson JÃ…, Rosivall B, Rytkönen S, Török J, Wood MJ, Garamszegi LZ. Determinants of distribution and prevalence of avian malaria in blue tit populations across Europe: separating host and parasite effects. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 24: 2014-24. PMID 21726328 DOI: 10.1111/J.1420-9101.2011.02339.X  0.311
2011 Garamszegi LZ, Møller AP. Nonrandom Variation in Within-Species Sample Size and Missing Data in Phylogenetic Comparative Studies Systematic Biology. 60: 876-880. PMID 21712480 DOI: 10.1093/Sysbio/Syr060  0.469
2011 Møller AP, Garamszegi LZ, Peralta-Sánchez JM, Soler JJ. Migratory divides and their consequences for dispersal, population size and parasite-host interactions. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 24: 1744-1755. PMID 21599774 DOI: 10.1111/J.1420-9101.2011.02302.X  0.507
2011 Garamszegi LZ, Nunn CL. Parasite-mediated evolution of the functional part of the MHC in primates Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 24: 184-195. PMID 21091566 DOI: 10.1111/J.1420-9101.2010.02156.X  0.358
2011 Garamszegi LZ. The evolution of virulence in primate malaria parasites based on Bayesian reconstructions of ancestral states International Journal For Parasitology. 41: 205-212. PMID 20920506 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijpara.2010.08.009  0.316
2011 Garamszegi LZ. Climate change increases the risk of malaria in birds Global Change Biology. 17: 1751-1759. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2486.2010.02346.X  0.328
2011 Soma M, Garamszegi LZ. Rethinking birdsong evolution: Meta-analysis of the relationship between song complexity and reproductive success Behavioral Ecology. 22: 363-371. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Arq219  0.477
2011 Garamszegi LZ. Information-theoretic approaches to statistical analysis in behavioural ecology: an introduction Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 65: 1-11. DOI: 10.1007/S00265-010-1028-7  0.319
2010 Garamszegi LZ. The Sensitivity of Microscopy and PCR-Based Detection Methods Affecting Estimates of Prevalence of Blood Parasites in Birds Journal of Parasitology. 96: 1197-1203. PMID 21158636 DOI: 10.1645/Ge-2531.1  0.307
2010 Hegyi G, Herényi M, Wilson AJ, Garamszegi LZ, Rosivall B, Eens M, Török J. Breeding experience and the heritability of female mate choice in collared flycatchers. Plos One. 5: e13855. PMID 21079813 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0013855  0.448
2010 Hegyi G, Szöllosi E, Jenni-Eiermann S, Török J, Eens M, Garamszegi LZ. Nutritional correlates and mate acquisition role of multiple sexual traits in male collared flycatchers. Die Naturwissenschaften. 97: 567-76. PMID 20437222 DOI: 10.1007/S00114-010-0672-0  0.408
2010 Garamszegi LZ, Møller AP. Effects of sample size and intraspecific variation in phylogenetic comparative studies: a meta-analytic review. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. 85: 797-805. PMID 20148861 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-185X.2010.00126.X  0.509
2010 Lambrechts MM, Adriaensen F, Ardia DR, Artemyev AV, Atiénzar F, Ba?bura J, Barba E, Bouvier JC, Camprodon J, Cooper CB, Dawson RD, Eens M, Eeva T, Faivre B, Garamszegi LZ, et al. The design of artificial nestboxes for the study of secondary hole-nesting birds: A review of methodological inconsistencies and potential biases Acta Ornithologica. 45: 1-26. DOI: 10.3161/000164510X516047  0.651
2009 Garamszegi LZ, de Groot NG, Bontrop RE. Correlated evolution of nucleotide substitution rates and allelic variation in Mhc-DRB lineages of primates. Bmc Evolutionary Biology. 9: 73. PMID 19361342 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-9-73  0.317
2009 Garamszegi LZ, Calhim S, Dochtermann N, Hegyi G, Hurd PL, Jørgensen C, Kutsukake N, Lajeunesse MJ, Pollard KA, Schielzeth H, Symonds MRE, Nakagawa S. Changing philosophies and tools for statistical inferences in behavioral ecology Behavioral Ecology. 20: 1363-1375. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Arp137  0.309
2009 Hegyi G, Møller AP, Eens M, Garamszegi LZ. Prevalence of avian influenza and sexual selection in ducks Behavioral Ecology. 20: 1289-1294. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Arp133  0.54
2009 Garamszegi LZ, Eens M, Török J. Behavioural syndromes and trappability in free-living collared flycatchers, Ficedula albicollis Animal Behaviour. 77: 803-812. DOI: 10.1016/J.Anbehav.2008.12.012  0.659
2008 Garamszegi LZ, Hirschenhauser K, Bókony V, Eens M, Hurtrez-Boussès S, Møller AP, Oliveira RF, Wingfield JC. Latitudinal distribution, migration, and testosterone levels in birds. The American Naturalist. 172: 533-46. PMID 18729776 DOI: 10.1086/590955  0.394
2008 Garamszegi LZ, Eens M, Török J. Birds reveal their personality when singing. Plos One. 3: e2647. PMID 18612388 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0002647  0.616
2008 Hegyi G, Garamszegi LZ, Eens M, Török J. Female ornamentation and territorial conflicts in collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis). Die Naturwissenschaften. 95: 993-6. PMID 18548223 DOI: 10.1007/S00114-008-0408-6  0.645
2008 Moller AP, Garamszegi LZ, Spottiswoode CN. Genetic similarity, breeding distribution range and sexual selection Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 21: 213-225. PMID 18021201 DOI: 10.1111/J.1420-9101.2007.01450.X  0.407
2008 Bókony V, Garamszegi LZ, Hirschenhauser K, Liker A. Testosterone and melanin-based black plumage coloration: A comparative study Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 62: 1229-1238. DOI: 10.1007/S00265-008-0551-2  0.374
2007 Garamszegi LZ, Møller AP. Prevalence of avian influenza and host ecology Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 274: 2003-2012. PMID 17537707 DOI: 10.1098/Rspb.2007.0124  0.468
2007 Garamszegi LZ, Biard C, Eens M, Møller AP, Saino N. Interspecific variation in egg testosterone levels: implications for the evolution of bird song. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 20: 950-64. PMID 17465906 DOI: 10.1111/J.1420-9101.2007.01309.X  0.743
2007 Garamszegi LZ, Biard C, Eens M, Møller AP, Saino N, Surai P. Maternal effects and the evolution of brain size in birds: overlooked developmental constraints. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 31: 498-515. PMID 17250892 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neubiorev.2006.11.008  0.693
2007 Aviles JM, Garamszegi LZ. Egg Rejection and Brain Size among Potential Hosts of the Common Cuckoo Ethology. 113: 562-572. DOI: 10.1111/J.1439-0310.2007.01359.X  0.348
2007 Garamszegi LZ, Török J, Hegyi G, Szöllösi E, Rosivall B, Eens M. Age-Dependent Expression of Song in the Collared Flycatcher, Ficedula albicollis Ethology. 113: 246-256. DOI: 10.1111/J.1439-0310.2007.01337.X  0.637
2007 Garamszegi LZ, Erritzøe J, Møller AP. Feeding innovations and parasitism in birds Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 90: 441-455. DOI: 10.1111/J.1095-8312.2007.00733.X  0.53
2007 Garamszegi LZ, Eens M, Pavlova DZ, Avilés JM, Møller AP. A comparative study of the function of heterospecific vocal mimicry in European passerines Behavioral Ecology. 18: 1001-1009. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Arm069  0.573
2007 Garamszegi LZ, Pavlova DZ, Eens M, Møller AP. The evolution of song in female birds in Europe Behavioral Ecology. 18: 86-96. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Arl047  0.549
2007 Garamszegi LZ, Hegyi G, Szöllösi E, Rosivall B, Török J, Eens M, Moller AP. Phenotypic correlates of digit ratio in a wild bird: implications for the study of maternal effects Animal Behaviour. 74: 641-647. DOI: 10.1016/J.Anbehav.2006.11.023  0.566
2006 Garamszegi LZ, Hegyi G, Heylen D, Ninni P, de Lope F, Eens M, Møller AP. The design of complex sexual traits in male barn swallows: associations between signal attributes. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 19: 2052-66. PMID 17040402 DOI: 10.1111/J.1420-9101.2006.01135.X  0.789
2006 Hegyi G, Török J, Tóth L, Garamszegi LZ, Rosivall B. Rapid temporal change in the expression and age-related information content of a sexually selected trait. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 19: 228-38. PMID 16405594 DOI: 10.1111/J.1420-9101.2005.00970.X  0.626
2006 Garamszegi LZ, Merino S, Török J, Eens M, Martínez J. Indicators of physiological stress and the elaboration of sexual traits in the collared flycatcher Behavioral Ecology. 17: 399-404. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Arj042  0.595
2006 Moller AP, Nielsen JT, Garamszegi LZ. Song post exposure, song features, and predation risk Behavioral Ecology. 17: 155-163. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Arj010  0.43
2006 Garamszegi LZ, Rosivall B, Hegyi G, Szöllösi E, Török J, Eens M. Determinants of male territorial behavior in a Hungarian collared flycatcher population: plumage traits of residents and challengers Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 60: 663-671. DOI: 10.1007/S00265-006-0210-4  0.651
2005 Garamszegi LZ, Eens M, Hurtrez-Boussès S, Møller AP. Testosterone, testes size, and mating success in birds: a comparative study. Hormones and Behavior. 47: 389-409. PMID 15777805 DOI: 10.1016/J.Yhbeh.2004.11.008  0.455
2005 Garamszegi LZ, Eens M, Erritzøe J, Møller AP. Sperm competition and sexually size dimorphic brains in birds. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 272: 159-66. PMID 15695206 DOI: 10.1098/Rspb.2004.2940  0.551
2005 Moller AP, Erritzoe J, Garamszegi LZ. Covariation between brain size and immunity in birds: implications for brain size evolution Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 18: 223-237. PMID 15669979 DOI: 10.1111/J.1420-9101.2004.00805.X  0.355
2005 Garamszegi LZ, Avilés JM. Brood parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds and the expression of sexual characters in their hosts Oecologia. 143: 167-177. PMID 15647904 DOI: 10.1007/S00442-004-1784-Z  0.367
2005 Garamszegi LZ, Heylen D, Møller AP, Eens M, de Lope F. Age-dependent health status and song characteristics in the barn swallow Behavioral Ecology. 16: 580-591. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Ari029  0.392
2005 Michl G, Török J, Péczely P, Garamszegi LZ, Schwabl H. Female collared flycatchers adjust yolk testosterone to male age, but not to attractiveness Behavioral Ecology. 16: 383-388. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Ari002  0.623
2005 Møller AP, Garamszegi LZ, Gil D, Hurtrez-Boussès S, Eens M. Correlated evolution of male and female testosterone profiles in birds and its consequences Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 58: 534-544. DOI: 10.1007/S00265-005-0962-2  0.538
2005 Garamszegi LZ, Balsby TJS, Bell BD, Borowiec M, Byers BE, Draganoiu T, Eens M, Forstmeier W, Galeotti P, Gil D, Gorissen L, Hansen P, Lampe HM, Leitner S, Lontkowski J, et al. Estimating the complexity of bird song by using capture-recapture approaches from community ecology Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 57: 305-317. DOI: 10.1007/S00265-004-0866-6  0.597
2004 Alatalo RV, Aragón S, Avilés JM, Barbosa A, Gomes CB, Cadée N, Christe P, Cuervo JJ, Díaz M, Erritzøe J, Galeotti P, Garamszegi LZ, Gil D, Gontard-Danek M, Legendre S, et al. Support for a colleague. Science (New York, N.Y.). 303: 1612. PMID 15016981 DOI: 10.1126/Science.303.5664.1612A  0.719
2004 Haavie J, Borge T, Bures S, Garamszegi LZ, Lampe HM, Moreno J, Qvarnstrom A, Török J, Saetre G-. Flycatcher song in allopatry and sympatry – convergence, divergence and reinforcement Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 17: 227-237. PMID 15009256 DOI: 10.1111/J.1420-9101.2003.00682.X  0.618
2004 Garamszegi LZ, Eens M. Brain space for a learned task: strong intraspecific evidence for neural correlates of singing behavior in songbirds. Brain Research. Brain Research Reviews. 44: 187-93. PMID 15003393 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brainresrev.2003.12.001  0.364
2004 Garamszegi LZ, Török J, Michl G, Møller AP. Female survival, lifetime reproductive success and mating status in a passerine bird. Oecologia. 138: 48-56. PMID 14566556 DOI: 10.1007/S00442-003-1408-Z  0.677
2004 Morales J, Moreno J, Merino S, Tomás G, Martínez J, Garamszegi LZ. Associations between immune parameters, parasitism, and stress in breeding pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) females Canadian Journal of Zoology. 82: 1484-1492. DOI: 10.1139/Z04-132  0.326
2004 Garamszegi LZ, Eens M, Erritzøe J, Møller AP. Sexually size dimorphic brains and song complexity in passerine birds Behavioral Ecology. 16: 335-345. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Arh167  0.519
2004 Garamszegi LZ, Török J, Tóth L, Michl G. Effect of timing and female quality on clutch size in the Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis Bird Study. 51: 270-277. DOI: 10.1080/00063650409461363  0.622
2003 Garamszegi LZ, Møller AP, Erritzøe J. The Evolution Of Immune Defense And Song Complexity In Birds Evolution. 57: 905-912. PMID 12778559 DOI: 10.1554/0014-3820(2003)057[0905:Teoida]2.0.Co;2  0.52
2003 Török J, Michl G, Garamszegi LZ, Barna J. Repeated inseminations required for natural fertility in a wild bird population. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 270: 641-7. PMID 12769465 DOI: 10.1098/Rspb.2002.2257  0.56
2003 Török J, Hegyi G, Garamszegi LZ. Depigmented wing patch size is a condition-dependent indicator of viability in male collared flycatchers Behavioral Ecology. 14: 382-388. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/14.3.382  0.643
2002 Garamszegi LZ, Møller AP, Erritzøe J. Coevolving avian eye size and brain size in relation to prey capture and nocturnality Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 269: 961-967. PMID 12028780 DOI: 10.1098/Rspb.2002.1967  0.464
2002 Garamszegi LZ, Boulinier T, Moller AP, Török J, Michl G, Nichols JD. The estimation of size and change in composition of avian song repertoires Animal Behaviour. 63: 623-630. DOI: 10.1006/Anbe.2001.1906  0.547
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