Anatol Roshko

1952-1994 Aeronautics California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 
gas dynamics and fluid mechanics
"Anatol Roshko"

(1923 - 2017)
Roshko, Anatol On the development of turbulent wakes from vortex streets. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology (1952).


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Hans Wolfgang Liepmann grad student 1952 Caltech (Fluid Dynamics and Combustion Tree)
 (On the development of turbulent wakes from vortex streets.)


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Krishnamurty Karamcheti grad student 1956 Caltech
Jerome Smith grad student 1967 Caltech
Frans T.M. Nieuwstadt grad student 1972 Caltech (Fluid Dynamics and Combustion Tree)
Robert Edward Breidenthal grad student 1979 Caltech (Physics Tree)
Luis P. Bernal grad student 1981 Caltech (E-Tree)
Morteza Gharib grad student 1983 Caltech
John M. Cimbala grad student 1984 Caltech (E-Tree)
Dimitri Papamoschou grad student 1987 Caltech (E-Tree)
Steven Schneider grad student 1983-1989 Caltech (E-Tree)
Garry Leslie Brown research scientist 1971 Caltech (Chemistry Tree)
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Narasimha R, Roshko A, Gharib M. (2013) Hans W. Liepmann, 1914-2009 Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. 45: 1-17
Brown GL, Roshko A. (2012) Turbulent shear layers and wakes Journal of Turbulence. 13: 1-32
Klamo JT, Leonard A, Roshko A. (2006) The effects of damping on the amplitude and frequency response of a freely vibrating cylinder in cross-flow Journal of Fluids and Structures. 22: 845-856
Klamo JT, Leonard A, Roshko A. (2005) On the maximum amplitude for a freely vibrating cylinder in cross-flow Journal of Fluids and Structures. 21: 429-434
Shiels D, Leonard A, Roshko A. (2002) Flow-induced vibration of a circular cylinder at limiting structural parameters Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 15
Leonard A, Roshko A. (2001) Aspects of flow-induced vibration Journal of Fluids and Structures. 15: 415-425
Hammer JA, Roshko A. (2000) Temporal behavior of lifted turbulent jet flames Combustion Science and Technology. 155: 75-103
Fric TF, Roshko A. (1994) Vortical Structure in the Wake of a Transverse Jet Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 279: 1-47
Roshko A. (1993) Instability and Turbulence in Shear Flows Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 1-24
Shih WCL, Wang C, Coles D, et al. (1993) Experiments on flow past rough circular cylinders at large Reynolds numbers Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 49: 351-368
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