Baylor College of Medicine

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Melih Acar20002006 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Hillary K. Andrews20032008 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Mardelle Renee AtkinsTumor development, eye development Developmental Biology Graeme Mardon (grad student)
Vafa Bayatneurodegeneration20062011 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Robert B. Beckstead19952001 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Hugo J. Bellenneural development, synaptic vesicle trafficking
Manzoor Bhat19941999 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Sharon Bickel1991 Vincenzo Pirrotta (grad student)
Cornelius Boerkoel20012002 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Aaron BowmanHuntington's Disease20032006 Huda Y. Zoghbi (post-doc)
Megan Campbell Molecular and Human Genetics2014 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Kwang Wook ChoiDevelopment
Hyunglok Chung Molecular and Human Genetics Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Hongzheng DaiMolecular evolution, population genetics2007 Manyuan Long (grad student)
Harim Delgado-SeoNeuroscience Department of Neuroscience2022 Shinya Yamamoto (grad student)
Bart Dermautneural development20032004 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Haley A Dostalik Molecular and Human Genetics2022 Shinya Yamamoto (grad student)
Debdeep Dutta
Cathy Dye19941999 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Elizabeth Eldon19901992 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Amir FayyazuddinNeuroscience20002008 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Christopher Fields Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Jeremy E Wilusz (post-doc)
Nikolaos Giagtzoglou20042011 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc), Christos Delidakis (grad student)
Nele A.T Haeltermandevelopmental biology2010 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Amanda Haltomphotoreceptor organization
Jake G. HarlandNeurobiology
Hirokazu HashimotoGenetics, Drosophila, Rare and Undiagnosed Diseases, Neuroscience, Developmental Biology Department of Molecular and Human Genetics2022 Shinya Yamamoto (post-doc)
Bassem A. Hassanneural development19982003 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Peter Robin HiesingerNeuronal Development, Synaptic Specificity 20002006 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Yi-Chen Hsieh Joshua M Shulman (grad student)
Mason A. IsraelStem cells
Hamed Jafar-Nejadregulation of signaling pathways20002006 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Milan Jamrich Joseph G. Gall (post-doc)
Angad Jolly
Oguz KancaGenetics H & M genetics2015 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Oğuz KancaGenetics
Artur Kanianeural development19911996 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Yun-Taik Kim19921994 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Ole Kjærulffneurotransmitter release20012002 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Tong-Wey Koh20012006 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student), Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Balaji KrishnanElectrophysiology, Neuropharmacology, Behavior, Addiction, Fear Conditioning20032005 Ronald L. Davis (post-doc)
Pei-Tseng LeeLearning and Memory, Neurodegeneration
Tom Van LeeNotch signaling, Developmental Glycobiology2012 Hamed Jafar-Nejad (post-doc)
Nanbing (Jade) Li Lila Solnica Krezel (grad student)
David Li-KroegerDrosophila, CRISP/Cas9, Neurobiology
Nichole Link
Troy LittletonDrosophila synapse19951997 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student), Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Tom Lloyd19982002 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
James Lupski
Cindy Ly20032008 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Sathiya N. Manivannan
Dongxue Mao Developmental Biology20112018 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Graeme MardonDrosophila and Vertebrate eye development
Jung-Wan MokDisease Modeling, BMP signaling, N-terminal acetyltransferase, Development, Genetics2021 Shinya Yamamoto (post-doc)
Matthew J. Moulton Molecular & Human Genetics2017 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Sonal Nagarkar-Jaiswal20122017 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Sang-Chul NamCell Polarity20012006 Kwang Wook Choi (post-doc)
Koenraad K. Norga20002004 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Tomoko OhyamaNeruobiolgy, behavior choice, Drosophila larvae20042009 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Ashutosh Pandey Molecular and Human Genetics2015 Hamed Jafar-Nejad (post-doc)
Prajal Patel20002007 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Giuseppa Pennetta19972002 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Vincenzo PirrottaBiochemistry, Genetics, Cell Biology
Sergei Prokopenko20052010 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Akhila Rajan20022008 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Lawrence T. Reiterhuman disease models, autism, siezure Molecular and Human Genetics James Lupski (grad student)
Antony RodriguezmiRNAs
Tanja Rosenmund20042006 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Adi Salzberg19921995 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Deeann W. Schultz20002003 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Karen Schulze19991996 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student), Hugo J. Bellen (research scientist)
Ken Scott
Elaine Seto20012006 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Joshua M ShulmanAlzheimer's / Parkinson's disease
Anna Marie SokacEmbryogenesis
An-Chi Tien20022008 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Hiroshi TsudaAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis20052008 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Berrak UgurNeurobiology, visual system, larval NMJ, mitochondria2012 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Koen Venken20022007 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Patrik Verstrekenneurotransmitter release, endocytosis20032006 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student), Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Julia Wang
Jun Wang20042012 Manyuan Long (grad student)
Liping Wangmitochondria; lipid metabolism; neurodegeneration Developmental biology2017 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Joanna Wardwell-Ozgo Molecular and Human Genetics20092014 Ken Scott (grad student)
Mark Wu19951999 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Bo Xiong20072013 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Zenghui XueCytokinesis; Cellularization20112017 Anna Marie Sokac (grad student)
Shinya YamamotoGenetics, Drosophila, Rare and Undiagnosed Diseases, Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders, Developmental Biology Department of Molecular and Human Genetics20052012 Hugo J. Bellen (grad student)
Chi-Kuang Yaosynapse function and growth2006 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc), Henry Sun (grad student)
Rei Yasuda
R. Grace Zhaineural development20012006 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Feng ZhangHuman Genetics James Lupski (grad student)
Bing ZhangDrosophila synapse19971999 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)
Ming-Li Zhao19972000 Hugo J. Bellen (post-doc)