Maurizio Gatti

"Maurizio Gatti"


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Sylvia Bonaccorsi grad student
Patrizio Dmitri grad student
Ramona Lattao grad student
Giovanni Cenci research scientist 1993-2000 Sapienza - Universita di Roma


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Bruce S. Baker collaborator
Michael L. Goldberg collaborator
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Razuvaeva AV, Graziadio L, Palumbo V, et al. (2023) The Multiple Mitotic Roles of the ASPM Orthologous Proteins: Insight into the Etiology of ASPM-Dependent Microcephaly. Cells. 12
Popova JV, Pavlova GA, Razuvaeva AV, et al. (2022) Genetic Control of Kinetochore-Driven Microtubule Growth in Mitosis. Cells. 11
Somma MP, Andreyeva EN, Pavlova GA, et al. (2020) Moonlighting in Mitosis: Analysis of the Mitotic Functions of Transcription and Splicing Factors. Cells. 9
Wormser O, Levy Y, Bakhrat A, et al. (2020) Absence of SCAPER causes male infertility in humans and by modulating microtubule dynamics during meiosis. Journal of Medical Genetics
Maccallini P, Bavasso F, Scatolini L, et al. (2020) Intimate functional interactions between TGS1 and the Smn complex revealed by an analysis of the Drosophila eye development. Plos Genetics. 16: e1008815
Chen L, Roake CM, Galati A, et al. (2020) Loss of Human TGS1 Hypermethylase Promotes Increased Telomerase RNA and Telomere Elongation. Cell Reports. 30: 1358-1372.e5
Palumbo V, Tariq A, Borgal L, et al. (2020) Morgana is an Hsp90-interacting protein with a direct role in microtubule polymerisation. Journal of Cell Science. 133
Pavlova GA, Popova JV, Andreyeva EN, et al. (2019) RNAi-mediated depletion of the NSL complex subunits leads to abnormal chromosome segregation and defective centrosome duplication in Drosophila mitosis. Plos Genetics. 15: e1008371
Pavlova GA, Razuvaeva AV, Popova JV, et al. (2019) Publisher Correction: The role of Patronin in Drosophila mitosis. Bmc Molecular and Cell Biology. 20: 24
Pavlova GA, Razuvaeva AV, Popova JV, et al. (2019) The role of Patronin in Drosophila mitosis. Bmc Molecular and Cell Biology. 20: 7
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