Javier Vinos

"Javier Vinos"
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Kiselev A, Socolich M, Vinós J, et al. (2000) A molecular pathway for light-dependent photoreceptor apoptosis in Drosophila. Neuron. 28: 139-52
Vinós J, Freeman M. (2000) Evidence that Argos is an antagonistic ligand of the EGF receptor. Oncogene. 19: 3560-2
Casci T, Vinós J, Freeman M. (1999) Sprouty, an intracellular inhibitor of Ras signaling. Cell. 96: 655-65
Vinós J, Jalink K, Hardy RW, et al. (1997) A G protein-coupled receptor phosphatase required for rhodopsin function. Science (New York, N.Y.). 277: 687-90
Maroto M, Vinós J, Marco R, et al. (1992) Autophosphorylating protein kinase activity in titin-like arthropod projectin. Journal of Molecular Biology. 224: 287-91
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