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Lohe AR, Hartl DL. (2002) Efficient mobilization of mariner in vivo requires multiple internal sequences. Genetics. 160: 519-26 |
Lohe AR, Roberts PA. (2000) Evolution of DNA in heterochromatin: the Drosophila melanogaster sibling species subgroup as a resource. Genetica. 109: 125-30 |
Lohe AR, Hartl DL. (1996) Reduced germline mobility of a mariner vector containing exogenous DNA: effect of size or site? Genetics. 143: 1299-306 |
Lohe AR, Hartl DL. (1996) Germline transformation of Drosophila virilis with the transposable element mariner. Genetics. 143: 365-74 |
Lohe AR, Moriyama EN, Lidholm DA, et al. (1995) Horizontal transmission, vertical inactivation, and stochastic loss of mariner-like transposable elements. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 12: 62-72 |
Lidholm DA, Lohe AR, Hartl DL. (1993) The transposable element mariner mediates germline transformation in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics. 134: 859-68 |
Lohe AR, Hilliker AJ, Roberts PA. (1993) Mapping simple repeated DNA sequences in heterochromatin of Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics. 134: 1149-74 |
Hartl DL, Ajioka JW, Cai H, et al. (1992) Towards a Drosophila genome map. Trends in Genetics : Tig. 8: 70-5 |
Garfinkel MD, Lohe AR, Mahowald AP. (1992) Molecular genetics of the Drosophila melanogaster ovo locus, a gene required for sex determination of germline cells. Genetics. 130: 791-803 |
Bonaccorsi S, Lohe A. (1991) Fine mapping of satellite DNA sequences along the Y chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster: relationships between satellite sequences and fertility factors. Genetics. 129: 177-89 |